PVAS Auction April 25


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
I'm out. Have some important stuff I need to take care of this weekend.



Who ended up going? Unfortunely, I had some moving things that needed to be done and would not have made it till the very end, ugh.


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Who ended up going? Unfortunely, I had some moving things that needed to be done and would not have made it till the very end, ugh.

I ended up heading down there with O'Shea, Matt and Jon Clark. Saw a ton of CCA'ers down there... Jen, TFW Andrew, Kevin, Josh, Scales Andrew, George, Jim, Frank, Bob. A ton of fish, tanks and dry goods. We rolled out around noon, but I think the real deals would have been found towards the end of the day.


I ended up heading down there with O'Shea, Matt and Jon Clark. Saw a ton of CCA'ers down there... Jen, TFW Andrew, Kevin, Josh, Scales Andrew, George, Jim, Frank, Bob. A ton of fish, tanks and dry goods. We rolled out around noon, but I think the real deals would have been found towards the end of the day.

Was there a nice amount of Malawi stock?


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Was there a nice amount of Malawi stock?

Not really. I got a bag of peacocks, but other than that (and some ruby reds that Mike brought and some L. trewavasae from Jen, I think), there were only bags of pretty common and/or questionable stuff from Lake Malawi. A few bags of yellow labs that were oddly dying in the bag an hour or two into the auction. A couple of bags labeled "Red Empress peacocks." Some "assorted" Africans that consisted of some johannis and hybrids.

Lots of sweet new world stuff though and some pretty nice Tangs as well.

Tons of angels, bags of juvie altums going for like $15. Really sweet discus going at very reasonable prices. Lots of catfish; cories and plecos (not so much for synos though). Livebearers galore. Plants galore....

Despite the lack of Malawi stuff (which I had anticipated) there was really some awesome stuff there. I will go again next year for sure. :)
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Past CCA President
The new worlds they had were decent and at good prices. There were two 12" Red devils that went for $10 each. I would have bought one of them if I had an empty tank.

I had a good time riding down with Tony, Matt, and Mike and chatting with the other CCA'ers at the auction.


Master Jedi & Past VP
Yea, it's too bad I missed it. I typically go every year if I can. The lack of Malawi Cichlids is usually hit or miss at this auction, but there are some awesome dry goods stuff.


CCA Members
The new worlds they had were decent and at good prices. There were two 12" Red devils that went for $10 each. I would have bought one of them if I had an empty tank.

I had a good time riding down with Tony, Matt, and Mike and chatting with the other CCA'ers at the auction.

amen - what's better than hanging out and shooting the ****e about fish? I got a couple of bags of gymnogeos and brought a few bags to sell. Overall a lot of fun and very well run by pvas!



I got some pretty pretty discus, a couple of schools of cories, and some dry goods at ridiculous prices. In my book, a fine day :).


We made it down and took a bunch of stuff from our spring cleaning. We were very pleased with the prices we got and picked up a few new fishes as well. Green Laser corys for a song, some neat dwarf ancistris, and a bag of C114 corys along with a bag of common ancistris that are future tank cleaners.

I could not believe the amount of fish, plants and dry goods that were there. We manage to hang till the end. We were exhausted but it was worth the drive.