Official Photographer for The BFD


Past CCA President

We are looking for someone to take on the responsibility of being the official photographer for the BFD. While we have had a decent showing in the past of folks taking pictures and sharing them, we'd like to have someone who is specifically tasked with taking pictures, especially of the tanks in the Aquarium Beautiful competition.

Part of the sponsorship agreement with AGA on the planted tank category will be a write up of an article to go into the AGA publication. I have volunteered to do the write up (unless we have someone who would prefer to be the author) but I am terrible at taking pictures and we will need some quality photos to send along with the article.

Please PM me or post up here if you are interested.



Doe sit need to be someone from CCA? I have a family friend who is in college and is a phtographer. I can check with him if you would like.

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It doesn't necessarily have to be a CCA member, but it is a volunteer position.

I will check with him I think he might be interested. That way no fish person has to miss out on the fish stuff :)

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John, just as a FYI I will be there taking pics as I have in the past and can take this on if no one jumps all over it.


CCA Members
This is a really important role. Sponsors really appreciate having good pictures of their logos, tables, booths, etc. and I think sharing pictures of the event is really helpful in convincing people who aren't familiar with attending...



Past CCA President
It would be great if there were multiple people who could take pics to upload to social media real time. For the AB article, the sooner after the event the better. The longer it takes to get done, the harder it will be.

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I plan on attending BFD. You are welcome to any pics taken. If some one has a internet connection there I can upload to their social media sites. I have a laptop I can bring but it's seen better days(cracked screen, etc) plus I can only do limited editing on it. I should be able to come up with decent quality real time photo's so just let me know.


Past CCA President
Very cool. Looks like we will have several. I just need to make sure that there is someone dedicated to taking pics of all the tanks in the AB contest.


CCA Members
Thanks to all who've stepped up! Even with my art background, I've never been good at taking pictures. Also the best camera I have is on my phone!?! :wacko:


CCA Members
Honestly, more pictures, even from phones, are superior to capturing the event than a handful of perfect ones (or imperfect ones).
