• You liked BFD7 now you should join this forum and of course become a club member to see what CCA is all about.
  • Thank you to everyone who registered and showed up for the BIG Fish Deal #7.

February Meeting

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
The February meeting of the CCA will be held on the 10th of the month at 2pm.

This month instead of a talk, we will have a workshop on photography.
We will bring 3 tanks and some fish. You bring your digital camera and card.
We will attempt to help you with taking the pictures and then put them on the screen.
Hopefully we can help you with any questions and make taking digital pictures a little easier.
Bobby Phillips and Francine Bethea are both well known for their abilities of taking digital photos. If you want to check out some of their work, look in the "Photography section" and the "Members only Photography

As normal we will have refreshments, raffle and mini auction.

Remember that membership is due.

Hope to see you on the 10th.


Pat Kelly

CCA Member
The address is

12751 Layhill Road
Silver Spring, Maryland 20906

other information on the regular web site.

From Catonsville do not use the directions on web site.
Go south on I95 or route 29
Exit at route 198. go west about 7 miles.
You will turn left at the light for Layhill road.
Go south about 5 miles. Address is on left.


Master Jedi & Past VP
Hey Pat, Just wanted to let you know that I had a great time at the January meeting.

I am truly excited about being apart the CCA and very thankful for the attention you and your wife have given me.

Thanx again for the Red Ruby's, they are doing great!

I will be there for the February meeting as well.

Best Regards,

Richard Mendez

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
When you bring your digital camera next Saturday, bring your cord also. Not sure if we have a card reader to down load with. If you bring your cord to attach camera to the laptop, it may save some time.
I intend to bring my graphics computer and a lcd monitor. It has all the card readers in it. We'll be able show some basic photoshop techniques and how to resize and save for the web using Photoshop CS2.

Anyone using Nikon DSLR bodies that have commander mode (D70, D80, D200 or pro bodies) we will have at least four SB800s to use remotely.

Pat, btw, I made an announcement over at APF about the meeting:


Saw the announcement you posted, thanks. Maybe we can get a few more people interested in cichlids. Always looking to grow the membership, gives Pat more stuff to worry about. LOL


CCA Charter Member and person in charge of the we
Need to talk with you. Somebody needs to clean up their arse




Got to the spam as soon as I saw it. It is a never ending, and thankless, job. We all clean several off every day. We are looking into other mods to defeat the people/bot's that are posting them.
i have to head to raleigh, nc this weekend :( i guess i will mail you the payment for membership..hate to missed it again! i have to pick my wife up from raleigh haha and some remaining craps i still have in storage

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Several of the fish that I am bringing are the ones I took pictures of the other day.
Your chance to make me look bad guys.


Don't forget, the meeting/workshop is Saturday. Remember to bring your digital camera.

Charge the batteries!!

See you there!


CCA Charter Member and person in charge of the we
It was a good and informative meeting. Some folks learned some things about taking fish pictures. Some learned valuable things about their cameras. Some learned they didn't like their cameras and the limitations of them. It could be an expensive meeting for some of us - new expensive cameras maybe?

I learned that Photoshop is nice but WAY out of my price range.

After the excellent presentation by Mike in January and then this valuable photographic workshop in February, where can CCA possibly go? KEN DAVIS in March - UP,UP and AWAY.

2007 is looking like a good year for CCA. Some aplause for our board and officers might be in order here.

Thank you,



Another EXCELLENT meeting. I learned just enough to be dangerous, I am going to try the "Tiger-Lotus" position!

Big thanks to Francine, Bobby and Pat for putting up with us at this one. I hope they check the Forum often, going to be lots of follow-up questions. We had lots of club interaction, that was nice to see. Met new people and I am finally starting to match faces with names and vise-versa. Now that we have learned how to turn our cameras on, I hope to see lots of photos being posted on the Forum.

I am going to be up all night taking pics!

Like George mentioned next month Ken Davis is flying up from Georgia to give a talk on his trip to Singapore, should be VERY entertaining.

Thanks again to Francine, Bobby, Pat and everyone who showed up today!!

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Thank you George and Mike

Thank you Francine and Bobby

I was not much help in there but Bobby pulled us through again.
It was a lot of fun going one on one with the members and working out some camera and technique questions. I had a blast. :D

Only wish we had more time. For me, it flew by super fast. :wacko:

Sorry if I missed some of your questions, or wasn't able to help resolve your problems. You can email me or hang out at Aquatic Photography Forum and I'll be glad to get your questions answered.

email: phishphorphun@comcast.net

my site: http://www.phishphorphun.com/wst_page3.html

APF: http://www.aquatic-photography.com/forum/index.php

Francine and Pat were gracious to allow me to join them in this neat and unique venue. Thanks guys.


Thanks! Hey, the meeting was a blast. Everyone I talked to so far has stated that they have learned something from the workshop.

Thanks Pat and Bobby! Great job on pulling this off.