• You liked BFD7 now you should join this forum and of course become a club member to see what CCA is all about.
  • Thank you to everyone who registered and showed up for the BIG Fish Deal #7.

February Meeting Of The Cca

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
The Febuary meeting of the Capital Cichlid Association will be held on Saturday Feb 9th at 2pm at the usual meeting location. http://capitalcichlids.org/directions.html

The speaker will be our own Charlie Campisi with a Do-it-yourself project. He will be building a fish stand and canopy. Come and see his methods and make them your own. You'll be able to save money and impress your spouse.

The meeting will include the usual refreshments (I think this month will be a meatball month) (your welcome Mike). And raffle and mini auction.

Our mini auctions over the last few months have been fantastic. Please keep bringing and buying fish. Remember the club only takes $1.00 per item in the mini auction unless you donate it. I have been to some clubs that take anywhere from 33 to 50%.

So I will see you soon




will miss the feb. meeting ....am going to deep creek lake for some well deserved R and R.... will catch up in march


Is there any interest in Buccochromis nototaenia fry? If so i will bring some for the auction.

This is a Lake Malawi hap that gets BIG!


By BIG, I mean that it will get 12"-14" and at that size would probably eat/kill most other tank inhabitants.
I made this post to make sure that interested parties would do some research before they decided to buy them.

They are a beautiful fish!



I hate wings lol... so I'm excited lol

I'm going to bring a few BAP fish :) Nothing that gets to 12 inches though lol.... 6-7 inches max lol :p

If you want to do research in advance these are the fish I will bring:

3 Simochromis
3 C. horei
3 Tropheus
3 BN's


I think I am going to bring the following fish to the meeting (if there is an interest)

Aulonocara stuartgranti (Undu Reef) - fry
Julidochromis dickfeldi - fry

Aulonocara stuartgranti (Chilumba) - young F1 adults
Cynotilapia afra (Puulu) - young F1 adults


Oh Boy! You guys are making it real tough for somebody just getting started with the africans. I either have to be picky or knock out a wall or 2....HEY PAT - You Busy?????

Honestly...It's good to see this before a meeting - helps to plan



Master Jedi & Past VP
I think I am going to bring the following fish to the meeting (if there is an interest)

Aulonocara stuartgranti (Undu Reef) - fry
Julidochromis dickfeldi - fry

Aulonocara stuartgranti (Chilumba) - young F1 adults
Cynotilapia afra (Puulu) - young F1 adults[/b]

Hey Maddog, I'll take a female Undu Reef and a Female Chilumba too.


Will bring some for the auction.

Undu Reef are to small to sex. I am going to try and get a trio of the Chilumbas.


DavidG / CCA Member
<div class='quotemain'>I think I am going to bring the following fish to the meeting (if there is an interest)

Aulonocara stuartgranti (Undu Reef) - fry
Julidochromis dickfeldi - fry

Aulonocara stuartgranti (Chilumba) - young F1 adults
Cynotilapia afra (Puulu) - young F1 adults[/b]

Hey Maddog, I'll take a female Undu Reef and a Female Chilumba too.

Hello SubMariner, I'm new to the club this is my secound meeting,Will these fish you bring be for Auction? Or just sell out rite. Thanks David
I'm just getting into Peacocks and always looking for different types.


Oh Boy! You guys are making it real tough for somebody just getting started with the africans[/b]

Hee hee ! Or you could just get the Julies and the Tropheus. They go well in tanks together :)

David I believe Mikey and I mean for the auction.

If you want fish on the side... just let him know by pm.


Master Jedi & Past VP
Sarah, don't you think someone should make a list of what fish will be sold at the Auction beforehand??? That way members can bring extra money and maybe look up the fish via internet to see what they are buying. I know there is a trader section, but don't you think there should be a separate list of what people are bringing and what people are looking to buy?

Just a thought.;)



Sarah, don't you think someone should make a list of what fish will be sold at the Auction beforehand??? That way members can bring extra money and maybe look up the fish via internet to see what they are buying. I know there is a trader section, but don't you think there should be a separate list of what people are bringing and what people are looking to buy?

Just a thought.;)


That is what we have been doing!


Master Jedi & Past VP
I know Mike, the only reason I say that is because there are times that I see bags of fish that were not in our discussions from the forum. That's all, but you are right.



I have about ten thousand Tropheus sp. Red Ndoel bay; 3 - 4". Might try to auction a bag since none of you "Lake Fish Keepers" seem to appreciate the work that goes into breeding a really nice Angel. :lol:


Pat Kelly

CCA Member
I never know what I am brining until I walk in the fish room that morning. I look at the fish, the time, the room left in the truck and then decide.

Back on subject. Less than one week till the meeting guys.

Hope to see you there.


Hee hee ! Or you could just get the Julies and the Tropheus. They go well in tanks together :)[/b]

And Sarah, you know that is exactly what I was thinking. I really do need to get my carpentry going. I currently have as many tanks sitting on the floor as I do up and on racks ready for fish. Can someone make 8 days in a week and 36 hours in the day, that way I could get everything done and get the sleep us old folks need. See everybody on Saturday!!!!!