Driving Spending one to two weeks there Great town.
Driving Spending one to two weeks there Great town.
How long a drive is it from Maryland?
Also, I was checking out their website and couldn't find a specific agenda or anything. The dates listed are July 22 (Thursday) through July 25 (Sunday). Generally speaking, when does what happen during these conventions? Speakers, auction, show, banquet, etc...
Would you miss much if you came in Friday morning and left on Sunday morning?
Yeah Air Tran has a flight from BWI to Milwaukee for $157.00 and from Milwaukee to BWI $138.00. These prices include tax, I just checked last night I was going to book the flight but I wanted to investigate Air Tran Airways first. I have never heard of them before yesterday and just want to make sure it wasn’t too good to be true lol.
I love the ex-wife :lol: