Thank you


Board of Directors
I'm sad I was really busy this weekend and did t register. I wish I could have stated for the speakers and all the fun. Anywho

I saw Matt's post and thought I should start a thread to thank people
So feel free to thank or give a shout out to fellow members or whatever

Thank you to all who I purchased fish from and those who gave me stater cultures of live foods. I still need to meet with a few people tomorrow.
So thank you to Becca, Frank, Matt, Dan, and everyone else.

Ps Tony I apologize I called you Josh don't know why.

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Thanks CCA and everyone involved in making this event awesome. I was able to get some fish to strengthen my colony's and a nice little group from Pat. This Aquamania was awesome.

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Ditto. Thanks to all the organizers and speakers. It was my first event and I enjoyed it.
Thanks to Pat for his crazy gorgeous fish. I got lucky and got what I wanted. a few minutes later, his fish were gone. :)


potamotrygon fan
Thanks to everyone who bought things from me, jeff rapps for selling me some amazing fish, and all of the CCA members who made this event possible.


Thank you, Will, for all of your help with the nano tank. I need to give you one of the ribbons!

Also, thanks to Tony, Alexandra, Rachel, Josh, Jeff Rapps, at least two Matts, Blaise, Christine, Jim, Terrell, Andrew, Mike, and... gosh, so many other people, for an awesome weekend, awesome fish, and lots of fun!

It really was a great time. I can't wait to do it again next year... right after I take a nap.


Big big thanks to all of cca, the amazing speakers, and the vendors for making this weekend a great experience. Id also like to personally thank Tony and Matt (even though he thinks I am some one named shane) for putting me on to the club last year at the first AM. I am one year in and have made some great friends and really have learned so much more about this hobby than I ever thought I would. I look forward to expanding my knowledge of the hobby as well as friendships in the club.


Jeff Rapps (I got some AWESOME fish from you, man), Dan of COA, Frank Cowherd, Festaedan (that blue phantom is superb, buddy), samsbobb, YourFishStuff, Stith Aquatics, especially my good friend Scott!... I could go on and on... Thanks to the CCA folks who organized this great event. It was awesome!
