Story of a new fishkeeper


CCA Members
Hi everyone!

I moved to JBAB, on the south end of DC last year. I thought I'd introduce myself!

In January, my wife and I found a 36g with a filter and heater on the side of the road. She wanted it, and I said no. She said her parents had always had fish growing up, and I told her that we'd end up spending way too much money on supplies. We sat there on the side of the road arguing for about 10 minutes. We ended up bringing it home, and I told her "I'm going to make sure that if we get fish, none of them die on us."

I went down a rabbit hole. I was working nights at the time, and I'd spend my nights off watching hours and hours of youtube videos and reading forum posts about fishkeeping while she slept. I find this hobby so fascinating!!! The science, the fish's behavior, everything about it just scratches some itch and I can't get enough of it.

That leads us to today. We've since upgraded our main tank to a 60 gallon, as well as having a 5 gallon betta tank, and we're in the process of setting up a 29gal for a betta sorority, my wife's dream tank. Many posts on here helped me, and though I've never been to a CCA meeting due to work schedule conflicts, I'm happy to be a member.
My 60 Gallon stocking is as follows:
1 Blue(ish) smokey angelfish from petsmart
10 Black Skirt tetras from petsmart
15 Rummynose tetras from NoVA tropicals and Capital Exotic Fish
6 Albino Corydoras from Petco
1 Hillstream Loach from Capital Exotic Fish
1 Pair of Apistogramm Cacatuoides (Double-orange) from Capital Exotic Fish
1 Bolivian ram from Capital Exotic Fish

Plants include:
An Alocasia houseplant (Grows AWESOME emersed!)
Amazon Sword
Spiral Valisneria
Ludwigia (Not pictured, got it last week)
A petsmart bonsai tree with the plastic leaves removed, replaced with Java Fern. bois.jpg
Apologies for the poor lighting, here's the angelfish, DiGiorno, along with the Bolivian Ram and Juvenile Apisto Male.


Currently cycling this 29g that will eventually become my wife's betta sorority. We've done a lot of research, and since she works from home, she'll be able to watch this tank carefully for signs of problems.

Thank you everyone for reading this far!

Huge thank you to Capital Exotic Fish in DC, NoVA Tropicals in Dale City, and Splashy Fish in Alexandria for being awesome fish stores and providing great plants and fish!


CCA Members
Hi everyone!

I moved to JBAB, on the south end of DC last year. I thought I'd introduce myself!

In January, my wife and I found a 36g with a filter and heater on the side of the road. She wanted it, and I said no. She said her parents had always had fish growing up, and I told her that we'd end up spending way too much money on supplies. We sat there on the side of the road arguing for about 10 minutes. We ended up bringing it home, and I told her "I'm going to make sure that if we get fish, none of them die on us."

I went down a rabbit hole. I was working nights at the time, and I'd spend my nights off watching hours and hours of youtube videos and reading forum posts about fishkeeping while she slept. I find this hobby so fascinating!!! The science, the fish's behavior, everything about it just scratches some itch and I can't get enough of it.

That leads us to today. We've since upgraded our main tank to a 60 gallon, as well as having a 5 gallon betta tank, and we're in the process of setting up a 29gal for a betta sorority, my wife's dream tank. Many posts on here helped me, and though I've never been to a CCA meeting due to work schedule conflicts, I'm happy to be a member.
View attachment 27722
My 60 Gallon stocking is as follows:
1 Blue(ish) smokey angelfish from petsmart
10 Black Skirt tetras from petsmart
15 Rummynose tetras from NoVA tropicals and Capital Exotic Fish
6 Albino Corydoras from Petco
1 Hillstream Loach from Capital Exotic Fish
1 Pair of Apistogramm Cacatuoides (Double-orange) from Capital Exotic Fish
1 Bolivian ram from Capital Exotic Fish

Plants include:
An Alocasia houseplant (Grows AWESOME emersed!)
Amazon Sword
Spiral Valisneria
Ludwigia (Not pictured, got it last week)
A petsmart bonsai tree with the plastic leaves removed, replaced with Java Fern. View attachment 27723
Apologies for the poor lighting, here's the angelfish, DiGiorno, along with the Bolivian Ram and Juvenile Apisto Male.

View attachment 27724

Currently cycling this 29g that will eventually become my wife's betta sorority. We've done a lot of research, and since she works from home, she'll be able to watch this tank carefully for signs of problems.

Thank you everyone for reading this far!

Huge thank you to Capital Exotic Fish in DC, NoVA Tropicals in Dale City, and Splashy Fish in Alexandria for being awesome fish stores and providing great plants and fish!
Fun story thanks for posting !