Small Haps


What does everyone have in terms of small haps? Looking for a group.... at least 2 inches.

Would like to trade as well... if I have something that interests you.


You seem to have misposted this in the "Trader" section. Didn't you mean to put it in the "Traitor" section? :tongue0015:


lol.... I do have 1 or 2 tanks that are dedicated to other fish :p

Actually I want to do a Malawi, Tang, Victorian tank. I have the other 2 already just need the Malawi.

I need something a bit meaner than a peacock... but not as mean as mbuna :)


What size tank? I always loved the look of the protomelas taiwan reef. A bit common now, but you can't beat the assortment of color. For a bigger tank, placidochromis phenochilus or electra. Then, even more common, but still beautiful - s. fryeri and otopharynx lithobates.


4 by 18 inch

I was thinking about these....phenochilus, but they get too big. Always wanted to keep them

Now when have you known me to keep common fish :p


Well, with the way you've been breeding fish, you've turned a few less common fish into more common fish. Some of the protemlas sp. are real nice and not so common. They get to a beefy 6-7". Copadichromis azureus are also stunning but common. There are a lot of species of copadichromis that would fit well in a 4 footer.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Never have gotten any good pictures of the copadichromis trewavasae. Just sold the last of any size at the OCA. All I have now are 1 inch.



Now see Pat... if you have them, that means you've bred the heck out of them. Then the market is already saturated and I would be over run with fry and all my tanks would be filled with malawi haps ! We couldn't let that happen LOL.

Good looking hap :) I am thinking a copadichromis is what I am after. Just which one ! I think I want something a bit hard to come by.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Actually these seem to only breed a few times per year. I think its the same in the wild. I do have a bunch of fry but its been a couple of months since any of the girls have held.

Would like to also have the midnight variety to breed one of these days.


I am not in a rush to do this... actually I think I could put anything 1.5 and larger in the tank. Just worried the Horei would eat them !

Anything I breed interest you Pat? The Horei would be good tank mates with any of your peacocks/haps. I do like those... and if they don't breed that often I'm even more interested in them. I don't like to be run over with any type of fish.

Are the ones on Julies list common? I havent' kept malawi in such a long time I don't know what people are keeping any more.

Well, with the way you've been breeding fish, you've turned a few less common fish into more common fish.[/b]

Charlie... that is my goal ! So people can keep any fish they desire without having to pay wild prices ( even though I pay the wild prices most of the time ). Just think if N. nigriventris weren't bred by a few hobbyists... you would have to pay at least 70 bucks per fish. Sand sifters... oh my anywhere from 30 to 80 bucks. Horie... 20 to 30 bucks. Most people just want nice fish to enjoy :) ... sometimes something a bit unusual, which is what I try and do :)


Do I get a prize for guessing the correct genus? :)

Copadichromis are very beautiful and there are a LOT of types. I've only kept and bred the azureus and borleyi. The azureus are fairly mellow, but male borleyi can be bullies. It might be tougher if you want something rare, but do your homework to get an idea of the temperament of the specific species you choose. It can vary.
Sarah, I would go for color in picking out a group of haps. The eclectric blue choices that are always lit up are Sciaenochromis Fryeri and Copadichromis Azueres.


A couple good yellow combos are the Otapharynx Lithobates "zimbawee rocks" (make sure you get a "z-rocks", they have the dynamic yellow blaze). And the Protomelas Steveni "Taiwan Reef".


And something that offers a real rich dark color with faint highlights would be the Copadichromis Mloto (similar to Pat's).

These are all faily peacful haps. that get along well with each other.

My four foot tank from a couple years ago.




Depends ... there are a number of species or locations (not sure which -- lots of the names have "sp." followed by an identifier) that are known as Mloto, plus a bunch more that were previously called Mloto and are now Verduyni, Virginalis, Trewavasae, etc. You have some homework to do to identify the one you want... Unless you were asking about Bobby's variety in particular, in which case, I'll shut up.


Well kinda LOL...

I want to know what these will look like...

Copadichromis mloto White Head Lupingu


Copadichromis mloto Midnight Mara

Sonny Disposition

Active Member
Bobby, those are really nice looking fish. I take it the frieri would be just a little too nasty to keep in a three foot 65 gallon high with a colony of L. caeruleus, no?

Sarah, I would go for color in picking out a group of haps. The eclectric blue choices that are always lit up are Sciaenochromis Fryeri and Copadichromis Azueres.
A couple good yellow combos are the Otapharynx Lithobates "zimbawee rocks" (make sure you get a "z-rocks", they have the dynamic yellow blaze). And the Protomelas Steveni "Taiwan Reef".

And something that offers a real rich dark color with faint highlights would be the Copadichromis Mloto (similar to Pat's).

These are all faily peacful haps. that get along well with each other.

My four foot tank from a couple years ago.


Master Jedi & Past VP
Sarah, you could go with a Protomelas sp. "spilonotus tanzania" or a Protomelas taeniolatus "Red Empress" as well.

They are both tough and beautiful Haps.


Well, I think I have decided what to go with.

Copadichromis sp. "Mloto Fluorescent"

Julie has a really nice breeding group and tons of fry from the group :) Was hoping she had some ! (I never look too cloesly at her malawi fish lol ... and low and behold on the top of one of her racks was a great group :lol: ) You'd think after 4 years I would know all her fish by now :lol: :smashfreakB: :sign0002:


Master Jedi & Past VP
Well, I think I have decided what to go with.

Copadichromis sp. "Mloto Fluorescent"

Julie has a really nice breeding group and tons of fry from the group :) Was hoping she had some ! (I never look too cloesly at her malawi fish lol ... and low and behold on the top of one of her racks was a great group :lol: ) You'd think after 4 years I would know all her fish by now :lol: :smashfreakB: :sign0002:[/b]

Good choice Sarah, the Mloto is a great looking fish. I stand corrected on the fish that I recommended because they do get over 6" inches or bigger. I recently lost a two Mloto males and female and would be interested in maybe picking up a few from Julie, depending on the price and size.


I don't know how much she is charging.... as I didn't ask since I wasn't buying fish this past weekend. Just helping her out and spending time with her.

She had two groups of fry growing out. One group was just babies. The other was around an inch. I can't get them any smaller than 1.5 for the tank I want to put in them. So I'll be waiting a bit. If she breeds the fish her self (in other words not on that list from her suppiler).... the price is usually REALLY great. It's always a good idea to ask her what fry she is personally growing out.

She's switching back to her old website right now... This way she'll be able to update her website on what fish she can get and what fish she has personally bred/kept.... and have a gallery of photo's :)