Small Haps


CCA member
She had two groups of fry growing out. One group was just babies. The other was around an inch. I can't get them any smaller than 1.5 for the tank I want to put in them. So I'll be waiting a bit. If she breeds the fish her self (in other words not on that list from her suppiler).... the price is usually REALLY great. It's always a good idea to ask her what fry she is personally growing out.

She's switching back to her old website right now... This way she'll be able to update her website on what fish she can get and what fish she has personally bred/kept.... and have a gallery of photo's :)[/b]

What fun! Define 'waiting'. In my book it means "be patient, Sarah will have these Copadichromis sp. "Mloto Fluorescent" beauties up for auction soon!'
I'm looking forward to Julie's gallery of photo's. Bet we'll find out all about the fish she is growing out at the Jan CCA meeting! I learn more from this forum everytime you post!