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Quick silicone question


I just realized I bought two different colored tubes of GE silicone 1. One is red and says kitchen/bath/plumbing and the other is blue and says window/door/attic/basement. Which one(s) safe to use?


Past CCA President
Like said above, don't use the stuff that is mildew resistant. It will put off nasty stuff into your tank.


Just read the labels again and they both say "Not for use below the water line or aquariums."

This is the GE1 silicone I read I am supposed to use.


Best to use one produced for aquariums - there are many brands available - Aqueon makes tubes of the silicon it uses for building tanks available to consumers. Buy it online since few if any retailers carry the big tubes.


Just read the labels again and they both say "Not for use below the water line or aquariums."

This is the GE1 silicone I read I am supposed to use.

Years ago GE1 silicone was good for aquariums - it isn't anymore.


i contacted GE about their silicone and apparently the GE1 contains some sort of midlew/antibacterial something or another now. i'd double check w/ ge.
i read to use and did use the ge momentive RTV100 series, it's commercial grade. i can't remember the name of the company i got it from. they are a commercial supplier of electrical parts in herndon right off 28, but they are all over the place. if i hear the name i'll recognize it. dah. this is going to drive me crazy not remembering it!! u can prob get it online too. comes in caulking gun size tubes.


Well, I've used prob 1/2 tube of the GE1 window/door sealant to secure this background. I'd love to know for sure if this is safe before I fill the tank.


New Member
I have resealed over 20 tanks with GE silicone1. I always remember which one is same by the bar code. 77027 00012. I have never ever had any issue. This includes tanks that i have used to raise fry in, with no problem. Not sure what GE would say but I was told its 100 percent safe.


I think I'll test it tonight. I'll put some in my 10gallon and fill it with water. Since I don't have any fish, I'll just hold my cat underwater. If he croaks, I guess I have bad silicone.
.just kidding. :unsure:

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
I think I'll test it tonight. I'll put some in my 10gallon and fill it with water. Since I don't have any fish, I'll just hold my cat underwater. If he croaks, I guess I have bad silicone.
.just kidding. :unsure:

LOL thats funny.
And I am a cat lover.....

Oh and I agree. Give it a few days.


I just sealed my 125 with GE1 (clear) and it's been fine. I belong to a million and one fish forums, and every forum has people who use GE1, and no one has had any ill affects.

I bought actual fish tank sealer, and it was junk.


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
I used GE-1. No issues.

Heard that the one for bathroom usage is the one containing the anti-microbial ingredient, so I always went with the other variety. Sounds like others have researched it more than me though, so take that with a grain of salt.