OK I have finally given up!


I have white fluffy stuff on some of my fishes fins. Looks like cotton and it pops up on any open wound they have.

I have tried several things but none are working. HELP PLEASE!
His do I treat this and eradicate it from my tanks? Thanks

Oh, not good. I'd suspect fungus infection, I think, especially if it's not killing the fish quickly. First thing I'd do if test water parameters and do massive water changes. I'd also try to catch those affected and separate so you can treat . . .

see here: http://www.fishnet.org/sick-fish-chart.htm

also, since you mention wounds, it sounds like you've got aggression in the tank? That can stress fish and cause less resistance to disease.

good luck


Past CCA President
Sounds like a fungus infection. I've used some of the fungus medication that you can get at PetSmart with success in the past, but I'm not sure of the active ingredients.


It would be helpful to know more about your tank: size of the tank, number and of type of fish, water parameters and so forth. Without any of the details, it is almost impossible to help. Also, as Holly said, do lots of big water changes to get your water quality up. Most always, disease happens due to bad water quality.


Sturgeon-Generals's report...

What about trying Pimafix?

This is the course of first response recommended by the Sturgeon-General for all fungal affliction (except mouth fungus that requires Melafix), so much so that it can't even really be considered a problem until Pimafix fails to cure it. Alternately one may use one drop of Pimentia racemosa oil (active ingredient) per gallon administered daily and a water change in advance of treatment can only help. There is an extra bottle of the latter inconveniently located at 13th & Euclid NW in DC if that is of interest/use.

While water parameters are the likely causal agent, this prescription should erase the symptoms even if only temporarily irrespective of tank size, water quality, etc.
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+1 - What Sam said. A little kosher/aquarium salt (pure sodium chloride) can help too. 1 teaspoon for 10 gallons if you don't already have salt in the tank as part of your buffering/hardening system. Use in combination with the Pimafix/Pimetia oil.

This is the course of first response recommended by the Sturgeon-General for all fungal affliction (except mouth fungus that requires Melafix), so much so that it can't even really be considered a problem until Pimafix fails to cure it. Alternately one may use one drop of Pimentia racemosa oil (active ingredient) per gallon administered daily and a water change in advance of treatment can only help. There is an extra bottle of the latter inconveniently located at 13th & Euclid NW in DC if that is of interest/use.

While water parameters are the likely causal agent, this prescription should erase the symptoms even if only temporarily irrespective of tank size, water quality, etc.


Oh, not good. I'd suspect fungus infection, I think, especially if it's not killing the fish quickly. First thing I'd do if test water parameters and do massive water changes. I'd also try to catch those affected and separate so you can treat . . .

see here: http://www.fishnet.org/sick-fish-chart.htm

also, since you mention wounds, it sounds like you've got aggression in the tank? That can stress fish and cause less resistance to disease.

good luck


This is my 220 community. To say i have aggression in the tank would be an understatement. The tank houses a crew of juvenile bruisers.

2) La Cieba yellow heads 4"
4) Losellie "Panama" 3-4"
4) Grammodes 1@5" others @3"
2) Honduran Jag 3-4"
4) Hetrosplius
2) Melanarus
4) Bredohri 5" pair and 2 juvies
3) Gorilla Blue Umbee 1@6" others @4-5"

I think that's it but I'm probably missing something. The fluffy stuff is only growing in the three small umbees because they are not appreciated by the larger one. I pulled one of them and began treatment of it but it hasn't been going well. Treated it with pimafix and bifuran to no avail. I'm stumped don't want to loose the one I pulled cause I think it is the only female in the group. And it hasn't been getting better. I change 75% once a week sometimes more. But I don't even have a test kit anymore. I just need the little viles really. I will get some on the way home tonight. Thanks

What about trying Pimafix?
Yes sir. I haven't seen a difference yet?

Maybe I'm dosing wrong?

It would be helpful to know more about your tank: size of the tank, number and of type of fish, water parameters and so forth. Without any of the details, it is almost impossible to help. Also, as Holly said, do lots of big water changes to get your water quality up. Most always, disease happens due to bad water quality.
I am open to the possibility of poor water quality but I have tons of filtration on the tank with my sump. And filter media in the overflows.

This is the course of first response recommended by the Sturgeon-General for all fungal affliction (except mouth fungus that requires Melafix), so much so that it can't even really be considered a problem until Pimafix fails to cure it. Alternately one may use one drop of Pimentia racemosa oil (active ingredient) per gallon administered daily and a water change in advance of treatment can only help. There is an extra bottle of the latter inconveniently located at 13th & Euclid NW in DC if that is of interest/use.

While water parameters are the likely causal agent, this prescription should erase the symptoms even if only temporarily irrespective of tank size, water quality, etc.

I would absolutely take a bottle of that oil if it will help these three fish. I am scheduled to make a trip into DC Monday morning but I will be a UMD tomorrow (close enough). What is your proximity to the campus.?

Thanks for all of the responses!



Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
To say i have aggression in the tank would be an understatement.

Lol. Was gonna say... it's one of Drew's tanks. ;)

Having seen your setups, bud, I can honestly say poor water quality is absolutely not a concern.

If not too much of a pain, I'd pull the girl, let her chill a bit and heal, then (with fingers crossed) reintroduce her as soon as she's looking good. Move her to an open 10 for a bit for a little R&R.

Best of luck, buddy.
Drew, I agree with Tony based on what I have seen with your setsups I would doubt your water quality. Go ahead and pick up a couple 10 gal quarantine tanks move the girl for treatment. Good luck on getting them cured.


Global Moderators
There is a possibility of high nitrates. Since only the umbees are showing symptoms, I doubt this is the cause. I agree with the addition of non-iodized salt, along with a fungal treatment of pimafix or something similar.

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It sounds like he did pull the female and is treating separately without much luck.

I'm not famliar with these fish, but it's been my experience that pulling a victim and then trying to reintroduce said victim back into existing tank Does.Not.Work

In such situations, I've either never put the victim back or pulled out said aggressor before reintroducing. Since I hate bullies, it's usually the latter.

So you have an issue of treating the disease, but it sounds like you also have a mean fish/stocking issue, too . . .


Yeah the most injured and infected fish is in a ten gallon now. I'm going to try to treat the entire tank not just the infected fish.

As far as dealing with aggressive fish these aren't your average fish in terms of aggression. The fish in this tank are the who's who of angry fish. There is no way to keep this many aggressive species in the same tank and not have some ripped fins. At least not in a 220. But in regards to stocking these fish together the CA fish don't care for each other. The SA don't care for each other. But they rarely if at all go after each other. If I pulled out an aggressive fish every time it went after another fish I would have a lot of pair only tanks. Or 20 more tanks. Which ain't a bad idea just have to get the wife on board!

Added pimafix last night.



OK here is a picture from this week. I have been so busy I haven't had time to update the thread. It looks like they have stabilized. So what I'd did was actually cut the leigions off the fish. Then I rubbed a fungus treatment on the wounds and then treated the tank with pimafix. Not the progress I was looking for but the fish is more interactive and responsive now. Hopefully it turns the corner. Fingers crossed!

Sam I have been running around like a chicken with my head cut off lately I'm going to attempt to stop by this afternoon if that is OK? Also going to follow this up with a text.




Day one of oil treatment.

The fish is definitely looking better. Everything seems to have stabilized updates with pictures to follow.
