

The ONE who is The ONE
If many of yo don't know I also keep reptiles and amphibians. Well my latest additions via Josh are these Cynops Cyanaurus or Blue tail fire bellied newts .

Well I must be doing something right (what exactly I don't know) because they have been breeding regularly. Once I realized that they were breeding I have been pulling eggs at least once a week. I have three in the larvae stage. Think Axolotl with no legs and two more that should be hatching in a day or two. I still have about ten eggs gestating and spotted five more in the fake grass this morning. thanks to Frank I have micro worms and small daphnia. I hope I can bring them to maturity. I you are thinking of trying something different consider amphibians.


Corresponding Secretary
Very cool, Prince. Congratulations! I may have to get some of those when I have more room, from what I've read about them they look pretty awesome!


That' awesome! Good job. Also says a lot for the quality of Batfish stock.

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Past CCA President
Very cool! Is the maintenance of a newt tank the same as a fish tank? Any other particulars that are specific to amphibians?


The ONE who is The ONE
Yeah just water changes and live foods like black worms and red wigglers. But they do not require heaters. This particular species likes calm water so I just use a Duetto DJ100.

b considine

a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude
I was turned into a newt, once. Got better.

Seriously, though congratulations. I kept newts in high school but never successfully bred them.



CCA Members
Blaise is actually still a newt, don't tell him.

I can't believe how quickly these guys ... spawned? Is it a spawn? Is that the right verb?


The ONE who is The ONE