My first saltwater tank


I recently purchased a nano cube 12g from Michael (Discusnafricans). Here are my setup

nothing special.first time saltwater...not sure if I am doing it right...

I have finally gathered the necessary equipments that needed to setup this used Nano Cube 12g DX.

NC12g DX
Stock light n/a
50W heater n/a
Hydro Koralia Nano
Stock Pump n/a
surface skimmer n/a
Hemnes Stand

Back chambers:
carbon with filter floss + sponge for now to clean the dust storm -free
any suggestions?
1st chamber : floos + sponge
2nd chamber: some live rock rubble, cheatos when I have a led light
3rd chamber: pump, heater and temperature reader

15lb of LR
unknown quantities of dead sand... -free

Soaking tank in vinegar mix

With stand......

Just filled it up with rocks, sand, and water

Sand Storm

Stock hood

first hitchhiker

Bad hitchhikers
Gorilla Crab (caught and give it to someone for his fuge tank)

Majano Anemone (massive kalking battle with them)

Tank as of today 10/11/09

any suggestion on rock work? and any suggestion at all? when should I do water change? It's definitely cycling now. What's the SG/salinity level should be? Currently it is on 1.023



Sounds like everything is alright for now. I would do weekly water changes and feed the tank lightly.


Sounds like everything is alright for now. I would do weekly water changes and feed the tank lightly.

nothing yet in there

but planning to add CUC this week. Should I add all once? I am planning to get it from ReefCleaner minus the hermit crab, which I will be getting locally

7 Dwarf Ceriths - small effective cleaners
2 Nassarius
3 Florida Ceriths
2 Blue Legs
2 Nerite

I am thinking also get 1-2 emerald crab....good?


Dude the tank look great! I would do any water changes for a while after its cycled than I would do weekly water changes.


Don't do any water changes for about 2-3 weeks. You are going to see a lot of change in your tank over the next few days. A brown algae bloom would probably happen soon, dont worry its a nromal stage.


Don't do any water changes for about 2-3 weeks. You are going to see a lot of change in your tank over the next few days. A brown algae bloom would probably happen soon, dont worry its a nromal stage.

cool also i have been leaving light mostly off during my short cycle..


Sweet! Looks good cant wait to see how it progresses. I have been really looking into starting nano reef. At first I did not want anything to do with SW but it has grown on me. Mainly I want to get an ADA rimless tank with minimal equipment just a nice clean setup with very little life stock. We'll see how if it happens but im doing lots of reading.


Sweet! Looks good cant wait to see how it progresses. I have been really looking into starting nano reef. At first I did not want anything to do with SW but it has grown on me. Mainly I want to get an ADA rimless tank with minimal equipment just a nice clean setup with very little life stock. We'll see how if it happens but im doing lots of reading.

that how I was started lol.....never thought I would get into sw. When a tank up for sale, i couldn't pass up the deal...


If you get it going right, you shouldn't have to do many water changes at all - mainly to add back used minerals. It's not impossible to get the complete nitrogen cycle going with a salt.


Does it have two lights? I see it has two light bulbs - but it has two switches, right?

Spine is right - you need to have the light or lights on a day schedule - its the coraline (I think that is how you spell it) algae that you want to grow - it is crucial to the salt cycle.


10-4 on lights. I read conflicting info about the lights...until today lol

It has 2 24W 50/50 CF lights. The main light has one switch to turn both on unfortunately and also the moonlight switch. I am thinking switching to LED someday


That's odd... does it have a built in timer? Not much point of a moon light if the "sun" light comes on with it... lol


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
What fish are you going to put into it?

I vote hippo tang. :)

Nah, honestly, looks great Kam. One thing that will make your life easier is setting up an auto-topoff. Built mine in the third chamber of my 6 gallon Biocube using parts from, an old extension cord and an aqualifter pump. Think the whole thing ended up being somewhere around $25.

One less thing you need to worry about - salinity shifts from evaporation.
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