January Availability


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Rach - I'll take 4 of the calico Ancistrus if they are available. Are they sexable? How big do these guys get (as compared to regular BN/ABN)?

Also, I don't remember which ones they were, but do you have any of the large nerites? They ones that eat up algae like there's no tomorrow?



invert junkie
The calicos are not sexable yet. They get standard short finned bn size :).the nerites you mean are probably the red spot or zebra, I should have a few I can bring for you. More are coming in this upcoming week as well. How many did you want?


Former CCA member

I'd love buy 4 nerites (prefer the red spot, but would take green spiky if the red spots are gone) and 3 galaxy rasboras.

I'll be there by 1:45 p.m.

Matt Chambers


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
The calicos are not sexable yet. They get standard short finned bn size :).the nerites you mean are probably the red spot or zebra, I should have a few I can bring for you. More are coming in this upcoming week as well. How many did you want?

Cool... I'll still take 4 of the plecos and maybe like 5 of the snails. I think I had zebra before... sort of large with a brownish/olive colored shell?

See you Saturday.
Can I get some of your cool snails? The ones that do not reproduce. I think a bag or two. I want to put them in a couple tanks. They look pretty cool. Can you PM me with some pricing.

I have lots of new ink to show off at this meeting too! I am getting colorful.


invert junkie
As long as I have some, I can bring them Pat. Not sure my exact stock level and have a surprising amount to bring. As long as I have them, I will bring what I have left for you to pick from. I will be getting more in next week probably and could either ship or bring them to you in February if I don't have enough right now :)


i got my 3 little buddies yesterday, that M. Barber picked up for me, thanks a bunch!!!!! and thank you mike as well!!!!


Haven't seen the two calicos since I put them in the tank, but the rams are doing great! Can't wait for them to color up. Thanks for the nice fish, Rachel!
I didnt get any fish at the meeting but did take a look at what Rachel was selling and they looked awesome. Nice stock there girlfriend!!!!!


invert junkie
I mean cherry barbs :) They are beautiful. Wish I could attach here. I will see if I can find some of my other attachments of them elsewhere to show.

Here is a male:


These were privately bred and were a project started by a friend of mine in NYC.


Cool fish, and cherry barbs are mellow little critters if I remember correctly. If I didn't already have so many red fish I'd be tempted.


hmmm... go well in that tank you put togther for me?

Also what shrimp do you have? Need something for 7.2 ph... 82 temp. Obviously something I don't have and easy to breed.