January 2018 POTM Photo Request - I expect GREAT pictures!


Bearded Wonder
Happy Holidays! For the month of January, we will be looking pictures of any freshwater fish. Please submit your photos via email to potm@capitalcichlids.org along with your forum name, real name, and the species of fish/common name. We will accept pictures of your fish until January 7th. Since you have almost a full month to submit pictures and everyone will be off over the holidays at some point, I expect GREAT pictures to kick off the new year. The winner will be given the choice of a one-year membership to the club or $20 CCA mini-auction bucks to help stock the tank.

Good Luck! Happy Snapping!


Bearded Wonder
I will be updating POTM soon. The start of a new semester along with holiday and work and family issues had me tied up for several weeks. Sorry for the delays, folks.