Irwini catfish


potamotrygon fan
My 8 inch irwini catfish hasn't been eating lately, ever since I added drift wood all he does is hide, and when I take out the wood, all of my catfish and my polypterus get all stressed out because they have no where to hide.


They will be fine. I have an Irwini with all my bichirs as well and if I keep drift in the tank all the Irwini does is hide.

They will eat when they get hungry enough, dont worry.

They all can fast for weeks without needing food. Just keep your normal routine and when they get hungry enough they will eat.

Now time for pics! My Irwini is still a 4-5" baby. They grow so slow.


potamotrygon fan
thanks, I'll try to get a picture if he is not hiding. Also, I do not feed at night, I feed in the early morning and evening. Most of my catfish will eat around those times. I'll try feeding l8r.