How does your garden Grow?


I actually know at least genus on most. I have issues remembering the various crypt species.


Former CCA member
Guess I should change the title to "Show us what you're growing"

I've got the usual easy plants: anubias, java moss, java fern, and assorted crypts.

I've got some fast growing plants: Pogostemon sp. “octopus”, Ludwigia repens x. arcuata, Nyphoides sp. “Taiwan”, Cabomba caroliniana, Brazilian pennywort, and Bacopa carolina.

I recently added giant willow moss and Lymnophila aromatica. Too early to tell how they will do. Oh, and I’ve got some Christmas moss taking over one tank.

Is that enough? Do I have a problem?


CCA Members
I guess my garden grows oddly ... I had an issue with one light I was trying where I didn't notice that if I put it on a mechanical timer it reverts to max brightness everyday... I noticed because bba started growing all over a week later. Oops.


Uhhh I don't think the stems are supposed to also grow in circles are they? That giant leaf in the bottom right is a bucephalandra... it's been working on making the same 2 new leaves for over 2 months, it's an unbelievably slow grower.

and wtf happened to this one head of kimberly in the center? Should I just pinch that mfer off? The holey leaves were from when the lights were way too strong for a bit. There used to be bba all over those leaves...

Maryland Guppy

CCA Members
Look @ that, someone had a pic of there plants.

ludwigia inclinata sp. tornado all curly ,Yep! :D
I've been looking for a few stems of that one.

I'd pinch the top on the kimberly and it will start new growth.


CCA Members
Here’s a 10 gallon, with Florin Volcanit substrate and a Finnex 24/7 light. No CO2.

Are you running your Finnex 24/7 in 24/7 mode or are you setting it to MAX for 6 to 8 hours per day?

I really like the 24/7 mode, but don't know if the extra moonlight causes algae or not and I don't know if the medium light plants get enough light as it is only full brightness around 3pm.


Former CCA member
24/7. I just went with that as default and it's worked well, although setting it to Max for a shorter period might work as well.


CCA Members
24/7. I just went with that as default and it's worked well, although setting it to Max for a shorter period might work as well.

Great thanks!

I have the SE version, so I can't fool around with the timer light settings. For some reason it bugs me that it is always on. I am going to keep it in 24/7 mode and if it becomes a problem, I can get an old fashioned outlet timer and just leave it on max.


I've actually been working on finding better lighting for the 210. It used to grow lots of stuff with an old plain-white beamswork and 2 of the older finnex planted lights on it, but the 2 finnex burned out and it barely has anything other than Val and crypt balansae growing in there now.
Here are some of the tanks - only the 33 has CO2.

The 55.

The 33

The 210 pre-burnout210+wood.jpg

The 150 that the 210 replaced.150gal.jpg

The 125.21950920_10101941443977653_4462378059702695240_o.jpg


CCA Members

Your tanks look great! On the tanks without CO2, are you dosing Flourish Excel/Metricide 14 and/or using root tabs?


CCA Members
Without the Excel, I have hair algae issues. The lazy amano shrimp I have don't do a great job. Someone told me that driftwood tannin helps and I will test that theory if I can ever get mine to sink. :(


Without the Excel, I have hair algae issues. The lazy amano shrimp I have don't do a great job. Someone told me that driftwood tannin helps and I will test that theory if I can ever get mine to sink. :(

If it's the bright green "hair" algae, it's claudiphora, and the only thing that will get rid of it is CO2. Excel does not tend to actually get rid of it. Claudiphora is what actually drove me to CO2 on the 33. It thrives in the same conditions plants thrive in, so it's actually a sign of a healthy tank, but makes it pretty much impossible to get rid of.