Hello CCA!



I've kept tropical fish on and off over the years including a number of cichlids. I'm just getting back into the hobby and currently fishless cycling a 30 gallon tank. I plan to add at least one or two other tanks for quarantine and fry etc. I'm fond of dwarf cichlids and have kept both south American and some African varieties (not together).

Currently toying with the idea of stocking and possibly breeding Julidochromis Transcriptus. I initially had in mind a different cichlid entirely but I don't have the tank space to make it feasible and since I'm doing this in my basement apartment not sure I would be able to build a proper fish room. I might be able to get away with a fish wall with perhaps six smallish tanks (30 gallon and under).

I'm having a lot of fun trying out a lot of the ideas put forward by the DIY King on YouTube.

Thanks for having me here,


Board of Directors
Hey Jon and welcome to the forum! The CCA has a lot of great knowledgeable people.

Julidochromis Transcriptus is a beautiful fish. I haven't had the pleasure of keeping it though. I've always had my eye on it. I'd be really interested to see your setup once you get it going.

You'd be surprised by what you can fit and keep in an apartment! :D :party0003:
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CCA Members
Welcome to the forum!!! You should come check out our meeting May 9th! Its not too far from Lothian. Says the guy who commuted to Lothian from Easton for two years. lol


I flew from Deale to Easton quite a bit this summer to practice my pattern work and landings. By small plane it's a very short trip, very scenic. Less than 30 minutes in a Piper Cherokee.


I just joined the CCA today! When and where is the meeting? Where do I find that information on an ongoing basis? If I can, I'll be there.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
I just joined the CCA today! When and where is the meeting? Where do I find that information on an ongoing basis? If I can, I'll be there.

All information is right here on the forum.
The home page has the meeting information in the middle.
The address can be found through the directions button on the left
We meet the 2nd Saturday of most months. Kennedy High School. Silver Spring MD 2pm start time


Past CCA President
You'll find that there is an epidemic of MTS that is going around the club. You'll soon be infected. It's hard to resist.

MTS = Multiple Tank Syndrome.

When I joined the club, I had a lonely 75 gallon tank. I think I was at 20 tanks over 800 gallons last time I checked.


CCA Members
I flew from Deale to Easton quite a bit this summer to practice my pattern work and landings. By small plane it's a very short trip, very scenic. Less than 30 minutes in a Piper Cherokee.

Dammitt!?! Where were you four years ago?!? :angry3: lol. I used to live a mile away from the airport. Glad you decided to join.