

Have been out of touch with CCA for a few years and coming back soon. I need to replace my existing heater with a new one and don't know what's reliable for current heaters.

My current one is an ViaAqua 300 TH Titanium, with a connected outboard digital controller. It works fine except 2 things: 1. It's out of calibration, it reads 71 degrees but is actually 78 degrees. 2. If the power goes off or just blinks for 5 seconds the heater resets itself to 78 degrees which is actually 86 degrees. Any suggestions?


Staff member
I have the same issue with some of my Eheim. I’m also interested to know.


Active Member
Staff member
The best heater I have used is a Cobalt Neotherm heater. They tend to be a little pricey but they have some type of integrated thermal protection circuitry so it is almost impossible for them to stick on and fry your fish and their accuracy is second to nothing I have ever owned. Kens usually has a very good price on them and they are on sale right now at Dr. Fosters and Smith. Just my 2 cents good luck.


CCA Members
BEN!!!! Welcome back, glad to hear you’re coming back around.

I’d contact the maker like Matt said. However, if the heater is two years old or more, I’d just replace it. IMO anything beyond two years is bonus time and the unknown countdown until a heater fails.

Cobalt makes a nice heater but they’re pricey. I like the Aqueon Glass heaters, not the plastic PRO line, and Fluval Ms are good. Just like almost everything else, I end up getting them from Amazon. :rolleyes:

b considine

a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude
I, too, use the Aqueon heaters. I find I have to replace them every couple of years. My "fishroom" as it were is in an unfinished basement that has a winter temp in the mid- upper-60s, which probably adds to the wear. And no offense to any LFS, but they are cheaper on Amazon (before the recent Supreme Court decision allowing for internet taxes, so we'll see what happens there).



When I use a heater, I alsways use a good heater controller with it. That way I can ditch the heater every few years or when it gets flaky and I have a better thermostat than comes with the heater to keep it on track. I also like being able to put the temperature probe of the controller where I want it in the tank.


When I use a heater, I alsways use a good heater controller with it. That way I can ditch the heater every few years or when it gets flaky and I have a better thermostat than comes with the heater to keep it on track. I also like being able to put the temperature probe of the controller where I want it in the tank.

What controller do you use?


I found a brand new Jager 150w in my fish room stuff I packed up 5 years ago. So here we go, giving it a try.