For Sale- October 20, 2010


invert junkie
I am able to bring fish to The All Aquarium Catfish Convention this SATURDAY October 23 in Fairfax VA.

PLEASE tell me if you need a heat pack in shipment, they are $1 and I will use them if you tell me in the comment box when making payment.

The temperatures here are getting to the point where I feel most comfortable shipping fish predominantly express again. Priority is no live arrival guarantee on fish, though I have not had problems yet. With the weather getting cooler, its safest for the fish to consider Express shipping please.

The rams will not be available for another week, I need to be confident in their health as wild caught fish and my conscience won't let me sell them this week.


Rosy Danio- $2 (BOGO SPECIAL!)

Goldring danio (danio tinwini)- $3, limited numbers left

Sawbwa resplendens (Asian Rummynose)- $3.50; males AND females

Panda Corydoras- $3

Dario dario (scarlet badis)- $3 UNSEXED, I will not guarantee females or pull them out for sexing at this price

Rummynose tetra- $3

Akysis sp- $5- few left

Danio margaritatus (CPD)- $4

Rasbora rubescens- $3

Otocinclus- $1.50

Longfinned cherry barb- mixed sizes- $4

Albino bristlenose pleco, juveniles- $3

Neolamprologus multi-fasciatus-mixed sizes- $4

Boraras merah (phoenix rasbora)- $3

Habrosus corydoras- $4

Yunnanilus cruciatus (dwarf zebra hovering loach)- $5; less than 15 left


Dwarf zebra- $3

Green babaulti- $3.50

Black babaulti- $3.50

Bamboo- $5

Blue pearl neocaridina- $3

Snowball neocaridina- $2.50

Malawa- $3


Bumble bee nerite- $3- limited numbers

Green spikey nerite- $3

Zebra nerite- $2.50

Red Spot Nerite- $2.50


Thai microcrabs (limnopilos naiyanetri)- $5

Alder cones- $.05 each
Coconut 1/2 shells $2
Almond leaves- imperfect- $10/gallon bag



The ONE who is The ONE
Hey Rachel. I am going to chance it and wait until the November meeting for the Cories.


invert junkie
ok, i can guarantee you they will be sold out and that I will not be at the november meeting as I am having knee surgery the day before :)


The ONE who is The ONE
Okay, I'll get back to you later tonight. What time are you leaving for PA Saturday?


The ONE who is The ONE
I want 6 CPD and 6 Panda Cories. I can pick them up Saturday around around 4:30 5pm if that works.