facebook polls?


Super Genius
Staff member
Hey all, if you tag me on this conversation, I may have seen this sooner. :)

I will create a poll here this week. Basically the gist is to see if there is enough interest for pushing to get an in-person meeting set up in the next month or two.


Super Genius
Staff member
Ok all, I posted a poll in a new thread. FYI - over 25 ppl on FB have said they would attend in -person.
We are struggling with getting speakers to commit. That may be a hold up. My goal is to get in-persons in place for March. Was thinking February, but with no speaker to commit, I think it would be a bust.


Past President
What about some member discussion or update if nothing else? People could discuss what has been happening in their fish rooms for the past 2 years.


CCA Members
Doesn't look like the poll on here worked at all -- it says "Not Open for Replies."