Eheim 2028 noise


Former CCA member
I have an Eheim 2028 that I bought used. Worked great, but this morning I noticed a grinding noise. I took it apart and found that the impeller was hot, so I cleaned everything out, but it's still noisy.

I think I need a new impeller. Anyone got one they don't need? Otherwise, looks like Big Al' or That Fish Place are my best bets.


Past CCA President
Sounds like sand may have made its way into the filter somehow. Sorry I don't have an extra impeller. If you are looking for a quick replacement, check with Rick's in Frederick. I know its a bit of a drive for you, but they have a large in stock selection of Eheim parts. Congressional may have them as well.


Former CCA member
There is definitely sand in the bottom of the canister, but I don't see how it could have made its way up through the Poret foam in the media baskets to the impeller.

Guess I should break out a backup AC HOB and get a new impeller.