Egg-scattering catfish


Past President
I have a group of Syn. Petricola in my 180 gallon display tank. There are some rock formations, but no real caves. The ratio appears to be 2M/2F because 2 of the fish are extremely plump. I've seen the fish display at each other and chase each other around, but I've never seen any spawning behavior. I know they are egg-scatterers, and generally spawn in caves, so I'm curious how they scatter when caves aren't present. I'm not too concerned with collecting eggs because the 15+ large haps/peacocks will make a quick snack out of anything available, I'm just concerned the fish could become egg bound. Has anyone witnessed spawning behavior outside of caves or had problems with females?

I don't want to keep them in tanks with breeders, so I'd prefer not to move them, but if its a health concern, I could make something work. Anyone have any relevant experience?


Like many egg scatterers they are probably spawning without your knowledge and the cichlids are making short work of the eggs. They do not need the caves to spawn, but the caves are their preference and using caves makes the eggs much easier to collect for the hobbyist. I'll bet if you watch closely you'll see the females get fat and then skinny every few months.
I have never heard of Synodontis becoming egg bound.