Dusty water


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I just had the micro bubble issue. I don't have the cloudy water though. When I found the micro bubbles were coming from my FX6 I researched online and found multiple people with the issues on the FX5 and FX6. I took the filter apart and the pads were not that dirty( light load ). But the chemipure in the filter was really dirty. So I flushed that out thoroughly and while I had the top off I filled the filter housing half way with tap water and put hose redirecting the output tube back into the housing and let it run and flush out the impellter. BIG DIFFERENCE. I could visibly see the flow increase while flushing. When I put the filter back together after cleaning the pads in tank water there were no more bubbles and the flow had increased significantly. I will flush the impeller out every time I clean that filter now. Good Luck.


I don't have cloudy water. I should ask to rename this thread.
It started as "cloudy" symptoms but now I know these are micro bubbles.
Alright. I'll remove the trays and fire hose the filter can and impeller.


I did a full cleaning of the one FX5 and micro bubbles still there.
put all pads and media in tank water.
took the canister and baskets outside and hosed them.
removed impeller and cleaned it up.
Still no cigar.
next step, I'll move around the media in baskets to see if that is the issue.


Global Moderators
Is it possible that the rubber gasket is worn enough to let in air, or that the lid clamps aren't tight enough?

Make sure nothing is restricting water flow between the trays.

Sent from my VS985 4G using MonsterAquariaNetwork App


The lid is tight.
Good point on the gasket (the big "O" ring on the lid).
I bought this FX used so it could be time to replace it.

But, if the o rings on the lid or the in/out takes are worn, shouldn't I see a water leak?


Well, it seems the gaskets are ok. I just let the filter run for about a day and I can see tremendous improvements.
here is before serious canister clean up:

here is after:

I still see some but I can settle with this. :)


Also, I added chemi-pure blue and wow!
tank water had a shade of green before... now it's starting to look like those youtube videos of people bragging about crystal clear tanks. :)