DIY Coconut breeding caves


invert junkie
I was too cheap to purchase coconut huts for my new apisto breeding groups so I decided to make my own. Coconuts were on special at the grocery store for $1.50 so it was not a risk of much money.

First I got together the tools I thought I would need.
-large C clamp
-small bit and large bit
-butter knife
-glass (for the coconut milk, mmmmmmm)
-pot of boiling water
-super glue

and most importantly the coconut!

First I used the small drill bit to drill a small hole (where i was anticipating putting the larger hole later) to drain the coconut milk.

I clamped the coconut in the c-clamp to hold it still and I then took my chisel and mallet and gently (and sometimes not so gently) made a groove around the perimeter of the coconut where I wanted it to seperate. This didn't really work that well, lol. I then gave it a few hard smacks with the mallet and chisel to break it in half. You can see it did not come out very even.

Next I used a butter knife to remove the coconut to save for later.

Next I used a drill bit to try and drilll a hole about the diameter of the pad of my thumb. One worked great, the other shattered....I am going to try and make it work anyway. You want the hole big enough for the female to go in and be able to comfortably defend her space once she has eggs. Too large and she will not be able to defend from the male properly and will not utilize the space.

I then boiled the coconut briefly to remove some tannins.

Next I took some superglue and some peacock moss and glued the moss on the top. This is optional but suits my aesthetic and adds another spot for infusoria to grow for when there are fry.

Then I put them in the tank, embedding them in the sand a little bit as the female apistos like to excavate.

From start to finish the whole project took me about 20 minutes, well worth the time I think.


Good job. Nice post.
I use to do that a lot when I raised apistos. I used the band saw at work to cut them in half.

Oh yeah, plecos love to eat them.


Cool idea. Those caves would work for cories and Tangs too. I'll have to give it a try. I didn't know super glue was fish safe, now I can't wait till tomorrow cuz I learn something new everyday!


Here is a website for the coconut king.

Go to 1/2 shells - here he has many types and sizes of 1/2 coconut shells.
Scroll down and he has 1/2 coconut shells with fibre on them. You gotta buy alot of them 175 but they are .25 ea - .30ea with UPS Ground.

Then go to your local harbor freight and pick up a stepped drill bit

They get $6.99 for this, at Home Depot they are $50.00.

You can drill a 3/4" hole in the coconut. You can also use this bit to drill into the side of a clay flower pot. Just soak the flower pot in water over night. Stand the pot up on a sturdy surface. Don't press to hard, let the bit do the work and it will go real easy. Kribs of all types prefer a pot like this.



I was about to suggest a step bit drill too. Great job they look good. My pops is handy with a machete so he could prob make it even easier.


Past President
Thats neat how the female took right to the cave. It doesn't seem like it was very hard to do at all. I feel a little bad that you have a better set of tools than I do. Did you use the coconut to make fresh pina coladas?