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Delayed ich?


We look to be having an out reak of ich, the infected fish is anew one..
But we quarantined for a month and nothing appeared a miss.

Anything else we should be looking for or concerned about?


Global Moderators
Is the chemistry in the main tank the same as that in the quarantine? How about temperature? Any aggression or bullies in the main tank?


Oh yeah, definitely.

We look to be having an out reak of ich, the infected fish is anew one..
But we quarantined for a month and nothing appeared a miss.

Anything else we should be looking for or concerned about?

1) The Tea(bag) Party and and/or faith-based federal policy agendas;
2) The guys in the van parked out front of your house;
3) Caleb's daughter when she's 16;
4) Religious types on your front porch;
5) Proselytes in proximity to young children;
6) Anything 'On Sale';
7) Global warming as the 6th major extinction event in the last 750,00,000 years;
8) Used mattresses;
9) Fast 'food':
10 My complete lack of humor and inability to comprehend sarcasm.

This list is by no means definitive or complete.

The only thing I've personally encountered in almost 3 years with 30 tanks now, besides a single outbreak of ich, is a bout with fungus and cloudy/pop-eye, the latter two both in the same tank. I would highly recommend keeping bottles of Melafix and Pimafix on hand if you don't already. As far as the ich goes, a fish that's down will be more vulnerable to complications than a healthy one, but ich does its work pretty fast so crank the temperature up to 89 degrees over a couple days and/or hit it with malachite green. If my understanding is correct, there's ich in your tank now even if it's presently only showing on the one fish. Andrew's question implies that stress may have triggered the outbreak in the one with symptoms, which I didn't know/haven't heard of before, but in any case the wee beasties are in there now just waiting for another opportunity.

You probably know all of this already but would hate to see you isolate and treat just the one fish only to discover anon that the population of the whole tank is infested. Can't say why it didn't manifest during quarantine - something perhaps to do with dormancy in the life cycle, or perhaps it vectored in with something else like plants? Or am I totally off-base and ick is as ubiquitous as the cold virus and just awaiting opportunity? Take it away Andrew...

Not a big deal so much as a pain. But luck all the same.


We increased the temp and so far so good (this would be day twoish). I had just always thought the a quarantine of that length made things pretty safe, so didn't want there ot be some other possibility we are overlooking.



We've got the temp up to 88 at present. Will see how that goes.

Here's a pic of the fish in question in case we may have misdiagnosed. The white spot spangle-y looking things are what we're worried about. We've not had any fish with ich previously, so we're assuming.

(P.S. That's a good worry list.)



The alleged experts say...

...ich is present pretty much everywhere all the time - the "common cold" of fishes and that healthy immune systems in fish generally prevent infestation. Poor water quality is the principle cause but "stress' in general can trigger onset. So there. Forget what I said about your tank now being infested - at least to the extent that apparently most tanks harbor ich anyway. Suppose there are exceptions if one scourged every tank, accessory and incoming fish with heat, formalin, or what have you, but it seems that it's associated with most things aquatic. Good thing it's so obvious and easy to treat.

Looks like you may need a different arrangement for your 'victim' - as in a stress free environment, or perhaps he'll adjust once he gets over the initial hurdle. Apparently a change in water parameters between tanks can also be a trigger.


Interesting, there seems to be quite a divergence on whether ich is everywhere or not. The main Cichlid-forum article insists that it can't survive like the common cold, though our experience seems to suggest otherwise...

Anyway, when I looked this morning (with the tank temp in the 87-88F range) the little guy seems to be getting better with fewer white spots this morning, so that does suggest it is ich.
This is what I've gleaned from the 'ick info' out there:

Ick does not have a dormant phase where it is in present in the tank just waiting for an opportunity to spring into action i.e. deteriorating water conditions, stress, etc.

But ick can exist in fish in areas of the body that we can't see (gills are mentioned) but the immune system of the fish keeps it in check until the aforementioned stressors occur and then the fish is more clearly covered in ick and subsequently the tank "breaks out".


CCA Members
Never fear the guy in the van. It's just Kevin (Spine).

6) Anything 'On Sale'...especially sushi :rolleyes:

...and Global Warming is a hoax.

Just kidding.


1) The Tea(bag) Party and and/or faith-based federal policy agendas;
2) The guys in the van parked out front of your house;
3) Caleb's daughter when she's 16;
4) Religious types on your front porch;
5) Proselytes in proximity to young children;
6) Anything 'On Sale';
7) Global warming as the 6th major extinction event in the last 750,00,000 years;
8) Used mattresses;
9) Fast 'food':
10 My complete lack of humor and inability to comprehend sarcasm.

This list is by no means definitive or complete.

The only thing I've personally encountered in almost 3 years with 30 tanks now, besides a single outbreak of ich, is a bout with fungus and cloudy/pop-eye, the latter two both in the same tank. I would highly recommend keeping bottles of Melafix and Pimafix on hand if you don't already. As far as the ich goes, a fish that's down will be more vulnerable to complications than a healthy one, but ich does its work pretty fast so crank the temperature up to 89 degrees over a couple days and/or hit it with malachite green. If my understanding is correct, there's ich in your tank now even if it's presently only showing on the one fish. Andrew's question implies that stress may have triggered the outbreak in the one with symptoms, which I didn't know/haven't heard of before, but in any case the wee beasties are in there now just waiting for another opportunity.

You probably know all of this already but would hate to see you isolate and treat just the one fish only to discover anon that the population of the whole tank is infested. Can't say why it didn't manifest during quarantine - something perhaps to do with dormancy in the life cycle, or perhaps it vectored in with something else like plants? Or am I totally off-base and ick is as ubiquitous as the cold virus and just awaiting opportunity? Take it away Andrew...

Not a big deal so much as a pain. But luck all the same.


Past CCA President
Never fear the guy in the van. It's just Kevin (Spine).

6) Anything 'On Sale'...especially sushi :rolleyes:

...and Global Warming is a hoax.

Just kidding.


Glad you were kidding. I though you were trying to get Sam's head to explode...


Not this child...

Glad you were kidding. I though you were trying to get Sam's head to explode...

Shucks, I been getting that much and worse from the GOP leadership and the likes of the Deadbody Coal Co for years. Water off a duck's back at this point, even if it does almost make me wish there was a place of eternal damnation that's not a self-fulfilling prophecy of denial.


speaking of not this child.... why would you be concerned about my daughter when she is 16 and not me once she turns 16... fire water and guns sound like a good mix at that point :)


You forgot one...

...has to be firewater as well, and maybe then some. And just for the record, I am concerned for all those subject to thy tender ministrations and august tutelage. :D

Actually I think she's almost bulletproof already - someone must be minding the farm.
You can treat the fish in quarantine with CuSO4 at 0.2ppm to preempt any external parasites. For wild caught fish, it would also be good to dewormer them with Fenbendazole at 100mg/10gallon in the quarantine tank.