Cory group


I know you are not supposed to mix cory species and they prefer sand, but mine get along great and shoal together.

I have...

Cory Sodalis x 3
Cory Agasizi x2
Cory Melini X2
Cory Metae
Cory Panda
Cory Elegante
Green Cory x2

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Is it an all-Cory tank?
If so, what's the size of the tank and do you keep the water level low?

Metae are one of my favorite...those didn't happen to come from NJ waters, did they?:lol:


Whom says not to mix Corydoras?

Have never seen/had any problem with it and they do seem to benefit from any company within the genus.


Former CCA member

Have never seen/had any problem with it and they do seem to benefit from any company within the genus.
I think no one says not to mix them, but instead the conventional advice is that they are happiest in groups of six or more of the same types. Also, you are supposed to avoid mixing ones that could cross-breed resulting in hybrids. Just repeating conventional advice from other sites.


Never seen or even heard of a Cory hybrid.

Like with like is naturally better, but see nothing wrong with mixing Corydoras.

My view is that "conventional wisdom' basically amounts to 'guidance' - if a belief is common it's 'conventional'. Not like anything that deviates from that is fatal, taboo or even wrong.


Former CCA member

Like with like is naturally better, but see nothing wrong with mixing Corydoras.

My view is that "conventional wisdom' basically amounts to 'guidance' - if a belief is common it's 'conventional'. Not like anything that deviates from that is fatal, taboo or even wrong.
There are lots of discussions at planetcatfish on hybrids, including hybrid corys. Note that I wrote "conventional advice", rather than conventional wisdom. Probably should have stayed away from using conventional, because some of the folks who weighed in on this are true experts:

Again, I'm okay with mixing corys, and have three types of corys in my 55, albeit none that will cross breed.


Funny how with all the risk of Corydoras hybridization....

...there's not a single picture of a confirmed Cory hybrid to be found on Google Images. Am sure it happens, and personally am intrigued at the prospect of unique strains. Probably wouldn't be inclined to spread them around, but fact is I wouldn't see any harm in it provided they're given a distinct designation that allows them to be differentiated from everything else.

Once individuals are removed to captivity, ecologically they become irrelevant, and since in that context the hobby is by and large 'artificial', why not create hybrids? None of the fish anyone keeps are ever going back in the wild, and if their 'habitat' and 'evolution' is eternally to be living rooms and basements, why not hybridize provided hybrids are represented as hybrids?

Not my thing, but I've spent half my life attempting to protect species, and everything that the 'hobby' by and large does and protects is a far cry from natural in the textbook sense of the word. Does that mean Frankenfish should be all the rage? Definitely not, the current wild end-products are the result of million of years of evolutionary field trials and are consequently in character with the 'real' world which gives them a special quality and perhaps innate beauty just on that basis alone - but hybridization does occur in the wild, has itself given rise to speciation on countless occasions, and if someone wants to lark about with hybrids, so long as they keep it clear and candid, what of it?

The purists can push back, but recall that whole ethic goes out the window as soon as one takes possession of fish and throws them in a glass box so from my perspective there's a certain hypocrisy inherent in any talk about keeping the hobby 'pure'. Fire at will, but please, no nonsense about how preserving purity through a steady infusion of wild caught specimens (as opposed to domestic reliance on captive breds and -gasp!- hybrids) is good for the hobby because it support collectors, traders and breeders. However beneficial that may be for the hobby, its far and away a one-way proposition that with few exceptions is based solely on taking from nature-ever the bane of species since humans began walking.

What's the point of a hybrid? No idea, definitely not natural. But i suspect it might be similar to the point of keeping a dozen, two dozen or five dozen tanks, which however exalting, is not 'natural' either unless you happen to be a card-carrying CCA member. By the way, would like some cards - every time I go into a fish store I end up talking about CCA to people that have no idea that there's a fish club in the area. They almost always seem excited about coming and I always end up scrawling our web address on a business card. Be easier with cards, promise not to exalt or even mention 'hybrids'.


Thanks all. They are in my 75g CA Community. The Thorichthys Mixteco gold doesn't like the competition and chases them a bit if I feed them the sinking 1mm pellets. But they are generallu left alone and get along. They stay in their half of the tank an know not to go near the breeding HRP and Con pair.
