• You liked BFD7 now you should join this forum and of course become a club member to see what CCA is all about.
  • Thank you to everyone who registered and showed up for the BIG Fish Deal #7.

CCA Elections

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
The CCA officers are elected each year in October.

This year we will have an Elections Chairperson that will run the election.

This person is Kurt.

If you wish to run for a position please contact Kurt and let him know. You can contact him through PM on here - kaj41354.

There are 9 positions to be filled.

Vice President
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
and 4 Members at Large.

The people in these positions make the rules and decisions for the club.
The descriptions can be found in our bylaws which can be accessed from the left side of the portal page.
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So far I only have responses from people regarding 3 of the 9 Board positions. I can't believe that we will have 6 open positions. If you are an incumbent, please let me know whether you are or are not running this year or if you are thinking about running for a different position. Also, if you are not currently on the board, please consider running for a position for YOUR CLUB!


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
If there was someone stepping down, I would be willing to run for a "member at large" position.


Member of the Darkside Tang's Rule!
I would love to be more involved with the club but I'm not sure that I would be able to attend enough meetings to be much help. :(


invert junkie
can we put up a link describing the different positions and what the actual obligations are for each position. I think that may help people feel more comforable running for positions.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Okay, we have a slate of people. Please add your name soon if you wish to run for a position. That way people can make up their minds.

See the members only section for the current list. (until you add your name)


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
With the news of Francine running for president, I have decided to throw my name in for one of the member at large spots. :)


Way to go Tony! A lot of people are hesitant to get involved. Not knowing what you are supposed to do or how much of your time will this consume usually lead to people saying this is not for me. Basically you just contribute any help and knowledge that you can and we all get to talk about fish related stuff, what could be better:):):):)


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Thanks Bill and Kevin. I really appreciate it and really am looking forward to serving if I get elected.

I guess since the other thread got deleted, I will post up a bit about myself here for those that don't know me.

My name is Tony Horos. I'm 32 years old and am a senior project manager for a large concrete construction company based out of Bladensburg, MD. I live in Gaithersburg with my wife of one year, Maria.

My parents kept fish when I was young, but really got into fish keeping myself at college. Down at Georgia Tech, my next door neighbor had a 55 with mbuna and haps in it. I saw this tank and fell in love with cichlids. Wanting a tank, but not having room for Africans, I kept a planted tank with gouramis and rainbows through the end of school.

After graduating, I moved back up here to be around my family. When I got back, I kept up the planted tank and set up my first cichlid tank: a 55 with Malawi haps, peacocks and mbuna... the general Petco and Congressional fare.

After I got my own place in Rockville, I set up a reef tank as well and got involved with my first fish clubs, CMAS and WAMAS. I was a member and attended meetings regularly for a while until about three too many tank wipes happened and I became a bit disinterested in the "colored sticks."

We moved up to Gaithersburg in 2008 and increased space meant increased room for tanks. I found the CCA in the fall of 2008 and started attending meetings then.

Oh boy, you guys have really had an effect on me...

In the last year and a half, three tanks have grown to about 30 now and while I still keep up 2 planted tanks, I have gotten rid of my main saltwater reef setup (I still have 6 gal nano at work).

Currently, I have about 36 different groups of peacocks/haps/mbuna and 6 different groups of Tangs that are either breeding or growing out. This is in addition to numerous single male Malawi cichlids of other species that I do not plan on breeding. I also keep a pair of apistos and a pair of koi angels upstairs in the planted tanks to "keep it real."

In the last year, I have attended almost all of the meetings as well as the holiday party last year. My wife and I were proud to be able to host about 50 folks at the summer BBQ at my place in Gaithersburg this year. A good time was had by all.

I am active on the forum and contribute to the refreshments at every meeting. In the last year, I have organized a couple of group fish orders as well as a couple of group frozen food orders. I was also lucky enough to attend the ECC auction in the spring as well as the ACA in Milwaukee in July. I think I represented the club properly at each of these events. :p

When I'm not doing water changes, my wife and I are into hitting up wine festivals, BBQs, Caps and Skins games, checking out vintage and racing cars and we've picked up mountain biking again. We have two awesome dogs, Elvis and Timmy and regularly volunteer at dog-adoption events.

I am also on the board of directors for the National Capital Chapter of the American Concrete Institute, a professional association dedicated to education on matters related to cast-in-place concrete.

Anyway, hopefully, I didn't bore you into not voting for me with this biography. I have said it before on other threads... the CCA has done a lot for me and I would like the opportunity to give some back.


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