• You liked BFD7 now you should join this forum and of course become a club member to see what CCA is all about.
  • Thank you to everyone who registered and showed up for the BIG Fish Deal #7.

Catfish Convention Photos


Please add any photos you wish to share in this thread.
I saw a lot of people taking photos, lets see what you got!


There were a few catfish entered in the show.



A couple of discus made it into the show.


I noticed this one as I entered the show room.

A few pigment challenged specimens made an appearance (that is a dead spider in the tank)


I think this fish belonged to one of our members.


Great shots Mikey !!! Love the spider pic.... great timing !!!

I had a great time as well ..... not enough sleep and I felt like I was at the airport half the time :lol:

And a BIG CONGRATS to Marge and Matt on winning in the fish show !


:smashfreakB: :smashfreakB: :smashfreakB:

One of our New Jersey members that comes down to our meetings SWEPT the show !!!!

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Larry's not a member but is a friend of the club. He got Best in show in both ends of the show.
But I got fry from the big winner in Cichlids. lol

The tanks had a bunch of stuf in them from storage, I never saw the spider until Mike pointed it out. Cool shot.



CCA Members
I think that Larry had best in show for both cichlids and catfish with his Lethrinops and Farlowella (both awesome fish!)

... but I had 1sts for:

- Large New World Cichlids (centrarchus)
- Small New World Cichlids (cutteri)
- All Other Large Old World Cichlids (Konia)
- All Other Small Old World Cichlids (Gobiocichla)
- All Other Freshwater Livebearers (Anableps)

And I also received 7 or 8 seconds and thirds... for a total of 12 or 13 wins...

Richard's (Submariner's) gorgeous Red Empress won 2nd in the Malawi, Victoria, and Tanganyika class...

Richard's fish and Pat's AERs had the most compliments from people walking by of any fish in the show. I heard "Wow!" about 20 times :)

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (longstocking @ Oct 20 2008, 08:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
:smashfreakB: :smashfreakB: :smashfreakB:

One of our New Jersey members that comes down to our meetings SWEPT the show !!!![/b]


OOPS Sorry Richard !!! I know I had too much too much to drink then :lol: CONGRATS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And as for Larry.... well, he should be a member HA ! :lol:

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
I know Marge got a best of also. Cant remember which fish.

I think for a catfish show there were a lot of cichlids.

I took 12 fish. All in the same class. lol And was shut out.
I think Matt really had a lot. 20 or so?

Larry is getting ready to move out of NJ. But not coming here. I been trying. lol
Moving to NC.


CCA Members
I think Marge's Synodontis was a big winner.

The African cichlid class was really hard to judge for a variety of reasons, not the least of which was that there were so many very good quality fish.

I would have bet that a couple of Pat's were going to place... They certainly got some "Wows" (as did the tank set up by the CCA booth).

I brought about 20 fish and placed at least one in each category I entered. You never know :)

The new world fish above is my Australoheros sp. "local" from Valentines, Uruguay. He's a wild fish and the largest I've ever seen. They look like this when they breed: http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forums/s...ad.php?t=158977

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Pat Kelly @ Oct 20 2008, 08:37 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
I know Marge got a best of also. Cant remember which fish.

I think for a catfish show there were a lot of cichlids.

I took 12 fish. All in the same class. lol And was shut out.
I think Matt really had a lot. 20 or so?

Larry is getting ready to move out of NJ. But not coming here. I been trying. lol
Moving to NC.


I had a great time, it was nice seeing you guys. Thank you Sarah for my fish and taking time out to meet up with me. Thanks to everyone who had a part in putting this together, I noticed the tank Pat setup was a good idea because everyone stopped to check out the fish! congrats to all the winners and placers.

Sonny Disposition

Active Member
I had a great time, too, although I slipped on a rock and got a minor injury on the collecting trip. I'm limping around a little, but not too much the worse for the wear and tear.

Andrew and I got second in the "All Other New World Catfish" Category, for a rescue from a feeder tank. About a year ago, I wandered into Scales, and Andrew told me a catfish came in with a shipment of ghost shrimp, and, since the little guy was eating all the shrimp, Andrew asked me to take him home. He about doubled in size since I've had him, a really cool spotted bullhead, native to NW Gulf Coast Florida and Georgia. Here's one of Garold Sneegas' underwater photos:


<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (mscichlid @ Oct 20 2008, 08:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
Great shots Mike? Anybody from CCA win anything?[/b]


Master Jedi & Past VP
Thanks Matt! And Thanks Sarah!

I had a great time at the Convention and I meet a lot of new friends from Canada, Michigan, NC, NJ, Ohio, Washington(the infamous Barbi), and Texas.

There were so many things to buy...OMG, but I controlled myself. It really was fun to hang out with Li and Monsterfishkeepers.com and Kurt, Pat, Mike, Francine, Lynn, Tracy, Joanne, Hans, Sarah, Marge, Matt, Bob (Sonny), Julio, Cliff, and my favorite Greek... Rob. Who of course came down to rub it in my face about placing 2nd and was threatening to spread the word via our forum to let everyone know I didn't get 1st.

Hey what are friends for, right?

Congrats to Marge! We are so proud of you Margie!

Wow, Matt was right, the Malawi category was full of competition and Larry's Red Cap from NJ that won Best in Show had a gorgeous tail and shape. The color wasn't all that, but you never ever see a Red Cap of that quality and I can see why they picked him. I would of preferred my Red Empress to win, but it wasn't meant to be. Maybe next year;)

Don't get me wrong, Pat and Matt had some outstanding Peacocks and I was pretty sure they were my competition. Congrats to Matt too, he had a lot of winners and brought over 20 fish I believe and was a speaker at one of the workshops. Great Job Matt!!!

Thank you Pat for letting me help and Thank you Andrew and Michael Barber for setting up an incredible event. It was a success.




It was indeed an amazing convention!

I'm beginning to feel like a local with all the trips down to this area, not to mention all the club members I know. I couldn't go 10 feet without running into one of you!! I got to know some of them better this time, had a chance to talk to Bob a bit, Richard, Julio, Francine, Marge, Matt, Pat, Michael, etc. not to mention a certain red-head that seemed to hang around alot... being helpful!

I loved the workshops... and two of them manned by our own members! Woohoo!! And I loved how Andrew kept us moving.. :character0272:

I was as ever impressed with the speakers as well as the vast knowledge available from many of the attendees.

And of course the happy hours, roughly running from 10pm to 3am... tho one night it went till 5am!! :happy0180:

But mostly.. I came home with lots of ambition and enthusiasm to attend to my own cats! (and cichlids.. and dogs, and horses.. and kids... oh, and work! :p )

Frank Cowherd

Global Moderators
Staff member
I got a second place with a Texas cichlid in large new world cichlids. and a second place with a petricola after Marge's fish and no prize but a nice picture of my cory axelrodi is the first picture in Mike Hills pictures above.



Master Jedi & Past VP
Congrats Frank!

Oh, and I forgot about hanging out with Julie too.;)

The CCA is getting it's name out there.



Congrats to the CCA members who made such a wonderful showing in the Show! Anyone who missed it really missed a great time. Next time I will stay there and enjoy the early morning conversations.


CCA member
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Kurt @ Oct 20 2008, 09:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div>
Congrats to the CCA members who made such a wonderful showing in the Show! Anyone who missed it really missed a great time. Next time I will stay there and enjoy the early morning conversations.[/b]

I stayed there. The 'early morning conversations' were great fun! I hope many more CCA members stay at the hotel for the next Catfish convention