

The last couple of days I have been unable to locate my Albino Bristlenose in one of my tanks. Last night I found out she had been hiding in a small cave underneath a rock pile. I couldn't believe my eyes when I picked up the rocks..... BABIES!!!! I was able to move most of them to a 10 gallon. I have two questions.. first.. the only other Bristlenose in the tank is not an Albino.. is this bad? I had no intention of breeding when I put the Albino in the tank. I actually forgot about the other one. The second question is what types of food should I be feeding the fry?


Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Should be no problem.
Congratulates on the fry.
I have been feeding mine algae waffers, spectrum grow, and the Tetra Crisps.
The crisps stay together and if you hold them under water for a second, will sink right there. Flake foods seem to end up everywhere. As soon as I drop the crisps, the fry attack. lol. But my experiance is not very old. The oldest fry are around a month old.

Also, its usually the male that guards the eggs on these guys. At least thats what I have heard.


Thanks for the info Pat. I have all of the foods you mentioned. I gave them algae wafers yesterday and they gobbled them up. I will try the Tetra crisps tomorrow.


I feed the fry anything ... BBS, NLS wafers, NLS, HBH flakes ( seafood lover and graze ) and anything else I feel like throwing in. I find the BBS really brings out the orange color so they aren't white and makes them grow pretty fast.. I actually use the stuff that is decapulized (sp?? )... so I don't have to hatch the stuff.