
Pat Kelly

CCA Member

Register today!

Aquafest2013 is a convention that is hosted by the 3 local clubs. PVAS, GWAPA, and CCA.
October 18-20 2013
Speakers, raffles, vendors, and auction.

Remember that this is Aquafest2013. Not AquaMania. One is a group effort between the local clubs. The other is CCA's event next year.
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Great Lineup of Speakers!!!

Gary Lange

Besides making several trips to Australia to see rainbowfish in the wild he’s also made four trips to Papua, the western portion of the island of New Guinea. During these travels he’s managed to discover and bring back nine new species of bows and possibly a few more after some meristic analysis. He is currently running over 90 tanks and keeping over 65 species and locations of rainbowfish and blue-eyes. More...

Rhonda Delles

Rhonda Delles (fr. Wilson) has a lifelong fascination with aquatic plants, aquariums and aquatic creatures. Rhonda received her first aquarium as a 6th birthday present and added to the collection until she created a fishroom with up to 100 tanks operating at times. Rhonda wrote "The Planted Tank" monthly column for T.F.H. for over 10 years, and co-authored the T.F.H. book, "The Simple Guide to Planted Aquariums." She recently packed up leaving her fishroom behind in Arizona and moved back to Washington state where her love of all things aquatic started. There she spends the warm weather months exploring local lakes and rivers and their bounty of diverse aquatic life. She'll be talking about her lifelong hobby and love of aquarium plants and sharing her experiences with different plants and the various techniques used to grow them.

Rachel O'Leary

Rachel O'Leary will present "Micro Fish." Rachel is a familiar face to many in the area, having presented at all of the local clubs recently, on a variety of topics. She is a recognised expert on Freshwater invertebrates and nanofish, as well as the owner of Invertebrates by msjinkzd.

Dave Parks of Segrest Farms

Dave Parks of Segrest Farms will present "From The Wild to Your Tank." Segrest Farms is one of the country's oldest and best known wholesalers, bringing incredible quality to many home aquariums, supplying a large assortment of retail stores. Dave Parks will detail the journey a fish takes from the wild or the fish farm to get to your home aquarium.


This is a tenative schedule
Friday, October 18
6-8 PM - Check-in, vendor floor set-up
8-9 PM - Gary Lange, "Rainbowfish"
Saturday, October 19 - Talks, Lunch, Vendors, Banquet
9 AM - Rhonda Delles, "Aquarium Plants"
10:30 AM - Dave Parks, "Wild to Tank"
12 noon - Lunch (on your own)
2 PM - Rachel O'Leary, "Micro Fish"
4 PM - Iron Aquascaper Competition with GWAPA
6-9 PM - Banquet: Gary Lange, "It’s Not a Problem, It’s an Adventure: Collecting Fish, Surviving and Expanding your Patience in a Third World Country"
Sunday, October 20 - All-Day Auction and Pizza Party
8 AM - Auction Registration
10 AM - Auction begins
12:30 - Pizza Party
Other Times:
Registration Desk:
Friday 6 PM- 10 PM
Saturday 8 AM- noon

Vendor Rooms:
Saturday 8 AM - 9 PM

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
I moved this.
It was in the Club Announcement section and people can not repond there.
Only Board and Staff


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
I can't wait. :)

Always some good stuff to be found on the shopping spree on three on Friday night... Pretty tough to beat roaming the halls, drinking beer, shooting the breeze with your fellow fish-heads and buying fish at great prices.

Great speaker list as well. Besides Rachel, I'm definitely stoked for Gary's talk on rainbowfish... the dude has been to New Guinea collecting fish 4 times! Can't say I know too many folks who have done that, lol. Imagine he's got some great stories to tell.


Where is Aquafest

For those of us whose internet access is limited to government computers which block the aquafest site because it is uncategorized... when and where is aquafest?


CCA Members
It is at the Dulles Hyatt in Herndon. It starts tomorrow evening and will run all weekend. Sunday is an all-day auction. There will be speakers tomorrow and Saturday.


CCA Members
So, what is a "sales spree on three"?

The entire third floor of the hotel will be reserved for people to sell fish out of their rooms. This is intended for sellers who would like to sell privately rather than at auction or have too much to sell at auction. They'll open their rooms to conventioneers at 10 PM Friday night, and people can meander from room to room buying fish and aquatic themed items. There are no rules on what sellers can sell, as long as it is reasonably aquarium related (including aquatic-themed arts, crafts, apparel, etc.).


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
So excited!

Headed over there tomorrow in the AM (going to a concert tonight that we got tickets for in the spring), but I cannot wait. A little bummed I'll miss the spree on three and speakers tonight, but will be there bright and early to get my convention on!

When are other folks headed over there?
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Past CCA President
Getting stoked for the convention as well. I have to work most of the day, but will be heading over around 5 or 6 tonight.

Don't forget to stop by the hospitality suite tonight during the spree on three to get your adult beverages!