Another Power Outage


Former CCA member
We're without power, as a result of this morning's storm, and I'm not expecting power for several days, based on what I've heard. Luckily, I did a water change last night in each of my three tanks.

Guess I'll be doing water changes every evening for the next few days.

Anyone have a guess about how long the good bacteria in my filters will survive? Any other tips? (I'm not getting a generator.)


Moving the filter media out of the filters and into the tanks would probably save at least some of the bacteria. I presume you're using battery-powered air pumps on the tanks to circulate water?


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Battery air pumps, no feedings and lots of water changes.

[cough] generator [cough] ;)


Former CCA member
No presumptions, please

Moving the filter media out of the filters and into the tanks would probably save at least some of the bacteria. I presume you're using battery-powered air pumps on the tanks to circulate water?
I don't have battery powered air pumps. Water changes are my only hope, I think.

I'll move the ceramic rings or the media baskets into the tanks, I guess.


Global Moderators
Battery pumps are inexpensive and will go a long way to save your fish. My tanks went 31 hours without power and no major loss, but I don't know why. Many customers of mine lost a lot of fish after the last outtage. I would look to do small changes with cooler water and try to get that battery pump.


I don't have battery powered air pumps. Water changes are my only hope, I think.

I'll move the ceramic rings or the media baskets into the tanks, I guess.

I bought a battery pack like this I only paid $75.00 on QVC for mine.

it's a multi use item, AC power inverter, air compressor, light, car battery jump starter, it ran my AP-50 central air pump and a flourecent light in my fish room for 6o hours and still had power left.

Sears and Homedepot have simular items.
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Pull all of the filters out, the bacteria will kill your fish.
Daily water changes...make sure that you clean the substrate really well.
I would be doing about an 80-90% water change each day.
No food!
I have read articles that some smaller Asian wholesalers have no filtration at all and their fish survive on daily 90% water changes.

Do you have plants in your tanks...they will help out.
Power outages scare me to death for my fish!

I'm not sure plants help, though, since you don't have lights, they won't be photosynthesizing and will be consuming oxygen, increasing your need to oxygenate the tank water . . .


Master Jedi & Past VP
Mschambers, your good bacteria should live up to 24 hours so no worries there. Now if you really want to save your good bacteria take out all your filter media and place them in some Zip lock plastic bags and put them in the Refrigerator. The good bacteria can live there for over a week.

Also, you're going to need to a sponge filter running in each tank with a battery operated air pump and that should be able to absorb all their ammonia and stuff. If you have some established sponge filters already then run the battery operated air pump directly into it so the good bacteria does not die.

Otherwise, go get your self some sponge filters because an air stone alone can only hold them for a day or two depending on how many fish you have crowded in each tank.
And you're going to end up doing daily water changes forever.

Do not feed them! They can live without food for 4-5 days and even more depending on size and species.

Water changes are good.

And that's pretty much it, cross your fingers the light come back on. The good thing is that it's summer time and your fish won't freeze from not having a heater.

They'll be fine, as for you...take a Vicodin and call me in the morning



I know it's not local to you, but I stopped by Aquarium Depot in Randallstown today for other reasons, and when I saw they had battery operated air pumps for about ten bucks a piece, I bought half their stock (three of six). We had a scheduled power outtage last month that scared me, and I vowed not to be without air stones (at the least) ever again - scout's motto - be prepared.
I just ordered the powerpack you recommended. I've always wanted to have one on hand, but couldn't figure out which one to buy.


Former CCA member
Power is back!

Mschambers, your good bacteria should live up to 24 hours so no worries there. Now if you really want to save your good bacteria take out all your filter media and place them in some Zip lock plastic bags and put them in the Refrigerator. The good bacteria can live there for over a week.

Also, you're going to need to a sponge filter running in each tank with a battery operated air pump and that should be able to absorb all their ammonia and stuff. If you have some established sponge filters already then run the battery operated air pump directly into it so the good bacteria does not die.

Otherwise, go get your self some sponge filters because an air stone alone can only hold them for a day or two depending on how many fish you have crowded in each tank. And you're going to end up doing daily water changes forever.

Do not feed them! They can live without food for 4-5 days and even more depending on size and species.

Water changes are good.

And that's pretty much it, cross your fingers the light come back on. The good thing is that it's summer time and your fish won't freeze from not having a heater. :wacko:

They'll be fine, as for you...take a Vicodin and call me in the morning;)))

Thanks for the good ideas, especially the information about the bacteria. I figured that they had to be able to go dormant and survive for a while, or we wouldn't have so much bacteria everywhere!

Power came back on around 6 pm, so was out for about 10 or 11 hours. (Best job Pepco has ever done, in my experience.) My two Aquaclear filters didn't restart, but I was able to restart them by hitting the impeller blades with a thin stick. That is definitely a weakness of Aquaclear filters. I'll have to clean them out this weekend.

I did large water changes anyway, and think the fish will be in good shape. The fish didn't seem stressed. I was stressed, of course!


Global Moderators
Glad to hear your power returned. I would still suggest you get a battery air pump or two. Unfortunately, power outtages seem like frequent occurances these days.


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Good to hear everything pulled through. :)

Despite the media and local government freaking out, I think that PEPCO has done a heck of a job in the last few weeks here. After all, it's not their equipment failing, it's the trees falling all over.

I heard a spokesman for PEPCO talking about how densely covered with trees Montgomery County is and that really limits what they can do to preemptively avoid outages. When you throw in the fact that customers complain every time they touch a tree to trim it back, it really puts them in a tough spot.


Master Jedi & Past VP
Mschambers, here is another thing I learned about the good bacteria in your filter bed. You can use your nose to actually smell if it's going bad. Example, whenever you're cleaning your filter media during a water change take a moment and smell it. If it smells like dirt then it's fine, but if it smells fowl like it stinks then your bacteria is dying or already DEAD.

Just a thought...remember, follow your Nose it always knows. ;)


Just remember to charge it up every 3 months and imediatly after using it. Don't hook up your heaters, they will drain the power in about an hour. Great little power pack that can be used for other things besides power outages in the fish room.

I just ordered the powerpack you recommended. I've always wanted to have one on hand, but couldn't figure out which one to buy.
Bschuhart -- I was thinking just filters. I have a fluval 305 and 405 on one tank. I wonder how long the powerpack could keep one of them going? The 305 pulls 15 watts (I checked). If I like it and it seems to do what I need, I was thinking I'd get a second one for the other tank, too. Just to be prepared. I read they are heavy, though . . .