Air bubble inside eye

I have a fish that appears to have two air bubbles inside his eye. Totally healthy otherwise. Any ideas?

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This seems more common in saltwater it's the water being saturated with gasses either from substrate not being turned or sumps or co2 pump malfunctioning.
It's not contagious.
Not harmful
And doesn't damage eyesight
But keep an eye on it if it changes from clear to cloudy it might be pop eye or a bacterial infection and the bubbles are a side effect.
So a few water changes and keep an air stone in there to remove the other gases from you water.

My experience + friend who volunteers at the Chesapeake foundation on the eastern shore

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Thank you so much. I just want to grab him and pop it! I added a second air stone last night for reasons not related to this and it seems to have gotten bigger. One of my karolia was close to the surface causing a vortex near the surface. Could that have caused it?

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Could be not exactly sure... About the vortex. I wouldn't pop it unless you have experience doing so the likely hood of infection etc etc...
My friend said it happens closer to where runoff occurs in the it's fertilizers plus the agitation of the runoff entering the water...

Are you sure the two bubbles didn't merge or combine into one?

Also is it sand substrate? It can trap food and poop and if not stirred occationally it can release phosphate and sulfur type compounds from decaying organic matter...things you probably already know.

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Found this as well Injections with acetazolamide at around 5mg per kg have shown promise in treating this disease, but that treatment is an off-label use of the drug, and outside the ability of most home aquarists to perform. Many aquarists have attributed this syndrome to supersaturation of the water with gas - making it an environmental condition (covered in the next section).

It usually takes 2-3 weeks for the fish to absorb the bubble into its body...ask anyone who's gotten a c-section gas bubbles are a mother and take forever to be absorbed...also make sure he or she is not getting bullied stressed

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No bullying he is one of the dominant fish water is pretty good ammonia and nitrite are 0 nitrate is about 10. It usually is higher but I had a strange reaction from paraguard (wasnt using for anything relating to this) a few days ago and did a 75% wc. Usually do 25% every five days. Substrate is aragonite but not sand mixed with fine gravel. Rescaped this week and mixed it all up good. It was a small bubble for about 10 days. So small you could only see it when looking at the fish from the front in direct light not from the side. Today I first noticed what looked like three tiny bubbles that grew and combined into two larger bubbles. Both bubbles together are about the size of his pupil or whatever you call the center of a fish eye. No other fish have it and he acts as if nothing is wrong. As with everything online all I see is conflicting info and I trust people here much more than through google so I figured I'd ask. Thanks so much for the quick reply and great info. Let me know if any other info is needed in determining the cause/treatment of this dang bubble.

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Pupil = lens I learned from the article you posted. Very interesting for any fish keeper glad I read it.

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Looking better, yesterday it grew then today it shrunk still there but getting better. Thanks for the help!

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No prob. I have some odd knowledge/info but need to learn more basic I blame Nat Geo, discovery and the science channel.
Ohh you guys and friend who volunteer with wildlife organizations

Also nice rescape

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No better, no worse. Its not cloudy but is isn't crystal clear like it was. Doesn't seem to bother him at all.

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No, bubble is still there might be a little smaller but not much. Havnt treated him cause he shows no sign of illness. He's in the big tank and no one else has been effected. Think I'm just going to keep an eye on him if it doesn't get worse wait it out.

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It takes a week for it to completely leave but if it was a really big one it might take longer. But he's doing better so like you said keep an eye on always keep me posted

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Yes some improvement I assume it will just slowly absorb and get better he's a champ

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