ABContest Results redo.

Frank Cowherd

Global Moderators
Staff member
I tried to put the pictures in order but could not . They are piled at the bottom but they are in order.


The turnout for the contest was not too good. Perhaps the shutdown had an affect. Some others signed up and planned to come but had to move or had other things in their life that prevented them bringing a tank.

Anyhow we had some really beautiful tanks as you can see in the pictures below. The ones that won awards in the contest are identified. No losses of fish or plants or tanks were incurred. Dave brought all his water from home near Richmond as did some of the others. I filled up my tanks with treated water from the hotel. Dave used a furniture mover (dolly) to move his large 40 gallon tank. Most of us moved their tanks after having them set up at home for a while, then drained so there were only a few inches left in the tank, enough to keep the plants wet and the fish able to swim. SOme removed the fish and replaced them after refilling their tank. Tanks with rocks were basically moved without rocks and then the rock structure rebuild after the tank was filled.

The largest tank in the contest was brought by a local fish store: Congressional
store.jpg (48.2 KB)

Congressional Aquarium

Another view of the largest 2.jpg (48.54 KiB) Not viewed yet

Dave Sombach's medium tank with schools of fish, red plants and white rocks.Dave S medium.jpg (49.2 KiB) Not viewed yet

Frank's nano tank with electric blue rams, anubias nana, java fern and catfish.FGC nano.jpg (47 KiB) Not viewed yet

And now the winners: We combined the medium and large categories for five total tanks. The nano category had 4 tanks.

The third place winners were:

Nano, third place:
Jen Williams tank was a quite simple arrangement of some very pleasing rocks, white sand, fish and a few plants.rock tank.jpg (45.59 KiB) Not viewed yet

Medium-large, third place:
Frank's ten gallon tank with red wags, rock background, natural gravel and paleatus and panda cories.FGC medium.jpg (65.95 KiB) Not viewed yet

The second place winners were:
Nano, second place:
Arlene Wagner's tanks looks like it has a river of white sand running diagonally through it.nano river.jpg (50.28 KiB) Not viewed yet

Medium-large, second place:
Arlene Wagner's tank was both an aquarium with fish in it and a terrarium, with a lot of plants above the water.Palladarium arlene medium.jpg (59.13 KiB) Not viewed yet

The first place winners were:
Nano, first place:
Roger Garza's tank looked great with well established plants and a pleasing design.Eagle nano.jpg (53.83 KiB) Not viewed yet

Medium-large, first place:
Dave Sombach's 40 gallon look fantastic. The fish and plants and driftwood were all outstanding and worked well together.Dave S Grand champion .jpg (62.53 KiB) Not viewed yet

Dave Sombach's tank also took the Grand Champion money and award.


store 2.jpg

Dave S medium.jpg

FGC nano.jpg

rock tank.jpg

FGC medium.jpg

nano river.jpg

Palladarium arlene medium.jpg

Eagle nano.jpg

Dave S Grand champion .jpg


Yes, Thanks for the repost Frank!

Think Dave's 40 gal was a well deserved winner. Extremely nice scape with an absolutely stunning and HUGE GBR in it...


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Wow. Some real stunners for sure.

Thanks for everyone who entered!

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Nice selection of tanks

Thank you everyone who put the effort into it.
They looked great.

Even the Tree people were checking them out.

Frank Cowherd

Global Moderators
Staff member
Hey, those tree people are trying to bring back the AMERICAN CHESTNUT. They are close. They are like fish people, some studying the genetics of the tree, etc. I made contact with one of them who may get me some seedlings to plant. There are male and female chestnut trees so you need two to get nuts. What??


Oh, I know, Frank, my husband's uncle gave me a bunch of information on that group a while back, so I had heard about them before.

I just thought it was funny calling them "Tree People." It made me laugh in an otherwise not-so-awesome day.


One of the reunioners even asked me while riding the elevator with them if our club had something to do with hot tubs....then they saw the bag of fish I was carrying and said, "oh, guess not."

mostly I was just really confused.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
Hey, those tree people are trying to bring back the AMERICAN CHESTNUT. They are close. They are like fish people, some studying the genetics of the tree, etc. I made contact with one of them who may get me some seedlings to plant. There are male and female chestnut trees so you need two to get nuts. What??

I even signed up for their newsletter.
Might switch over to trees.
Need bigger grow out room but I wont go though so much NLS.

b considine

a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude
I stopped by their table and got some literature. I also read their posters. Intriguing stuff. I've got some very "green" relatives who'd love to have a tree planted in their name. Doesn't hurt that they're all from the northeast/Atlantic coast, ground zero of the American Chestnut.

I also heard them refer to us as "fish people".

Frank's right--different focus/passion but the same desire to preserve, propagate, and spread the love.
