75 Gal Tank & Stand & Other Stuff


Larry Grenier

75 AGA aquarium & Black pine stand. No hood or top. Great condition. SOLD

Driftwood Piece
Really nice driftwood stump. This was pet-store-bought, not something I found. 28"L/9"W/19"H

NO Lightstrips
These are Perfecto & AGA fixtures. All are in good condition with bulbs.
48" - $30, 30" - 20$, 22" - $18, 20" - $16

Free Styros
About 1.5' cubes with interlocking lids in good condition. 2 left.

Beautiful Green Terror
Great orange tail! Either a large well-populated agressive fish tank or a 1-fish tank.
You must 1st convince me he'll have a good home.

Large Plecostomus

Gemini Pump by Aquarium Products
Brand new, perfect condition. 960 GPH.
Input and output accept 3/4" slip.
Not completely submersible, comes with corner bracket to mount in corner of tank.
Mail-order from ThatFishPlace for $79. Sell for $35.

Larry Grenier

Do you have any pictures of the tank and stand?
No, but it's the plain black trim AGA and the common black-pine stand. You can stop-by and see if you're still interested. A real steal at $100.


hahha knuckles, you can get the stand...it's killing me because this is an AWESOME deal but I'm trying to save up for a house...penny pinching to the max :(