225 Gallon Storage Tank


I finally got my storage tank! I've been dreaming of this baby for a while. It may be overkill though...where I want to put it the ceiling is too low. No worries, I'll work it out though.

Now I can hook up my RO unit. I've got to get the selenoid/float valve for auto shutoff and then I'll be in business.

I didn't get it drilled for a bulkhead. The basement flooding problem has made me a little gun-shy in that regard. I can always do it later though. But for right now I will just drop my sump in through the man hole (8") and continue refilling as usual. I'll be able to change larger volumns of water and complete the entire fishroom in one day instead of two. Yippee!

But first, I have to get it home.


Do they have door to door delivery or do you have to pick it up from somewere locally.


It came as freight and I got it delivered to work. It would have been another $75 for residental delivery.
A friend at work is going to pick it up on Monday and bring it to my house. Thank goodness.


Finally got that monster home. Guess what? It won't fit through the back screen door opening! :rofl: I can get it through the front doors, but the interior doors are too narrow. :spanky: Actually, I can either put the container on a downspout or upgrade the screen door to get it in.

The life of a fish keeper... :smash:


Can you put beer in that? Just wondering, you know, with the Super Bowl coming up and all . . . .


For an auto top off system, it is a good idea to have (2) float switches in addition to your float valve. Typically the float switches electronically control the solenoid valve and the float valve is mounted above the float switches for mechanical protection should an electronic malfuntion occur.

The float switches will need a low volt transformer (like cell phone charger) and either a relay to turn on/off 110v power to a 110 volt soleniod, or direct in line wiring to a low volt solenoid. If you do not already have the solenoid, might I suggest the 12v solenoid found at McMasterCarr.com, item # 7877K55 for $19.62. This is the one I am using & it is IMO a cleaner set up than the 110v solenoid & relay. When I ordered mine I ordered a back up spare, so I may be willing to part w/ it. If interested PM me.

Also note, the solenoid needs to be "NC" (normally closed) & should have a max. pressure of 100psi or greater. Non corrosive (stainless/plastic) body is preferred.


The solenoid, check valve, float valve thingy is my next step (after I get it in the house). Will you be at the meeting Saturday? I want to talk more about this.