
  1. J

    Brain size affects female but not male survival under predation
  2. captmicha

    Survival rates w/ dropsy?

    Anyone have a fish that recovered from dropsy? One of my female guppies in the sorority tank has it and I've medicated and it seems to actually have gone down. I know for sure it's not pregnancy or constipation. It's pretty disgusting... One of the grossest things I've ever seen. Actually made...
  3. Avatar

    Do night lighting increase fry survival?

    Ran the moonlights during a Nannacara rearing process in a densely planted 20H with Papa along for the ride. I definitely fed the fry reliably and the the parents as well, but I also had the blue light at night. Really good batch of 50+, after a couple of weeks everyone was almost co-mingling...