Schedule change?


Past President
Always something. Hope it's not terrible for people bringing tanks in for the aquarium beautiful competition, but if they're brought in through the garage it may not be an issue.


Bearded Wonder
City slickers. Even speak of snow and/or ice and the traffic gets bad, accidents happen, stores get cleared out of bread and water, and mass hysteria sets in.

I literally grew up where we didn’t get plowed out for days and had to routinely drive in 4-8” of snow/ice. Other than dad’s truck, we had front wheel drive cars to do this in.

Anywho, I digress. I’m sure this weekend will go well. Here’s hoping that everyone wanting/needing to travel in for the event can SAFELY and without delay.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
I remember coming out of the 1st one after the swap meet to load and it being in
the 70's and sunny.
After that been down hill. lol


Former CCA member
My tongue was in my cheek! I think a little wind won't be a big deal. Not like this is a bird convention.

Pat Kelly

CCA Member
No change that I know of.
The thread was a tongue in cheek statement because it seems that every year, no matter which weekend we do there is a winter weather event. one year after the marketplace we had to carry things out in like 2 inches of ice. It was everywhere.