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What Kind Of Cichlids Do You Have At Home?


Master Jedi & Past VP
I have always wanted to find out what kind of Cichlids everyone at CCA have at home.

As for me, I have the following:
A. Stuartgranti Maleri Peacock F1
A. Stuartgranti BiColor Peacock F1
A. S Blue Regal Peacocks F1
A. S. Chilumba Peacocks
A. Stuartgranti Ngara FlameTail Peacocks
A. Stuartgranti Red Shoulder Peacocks
A. S. Red Ruby Peacocks
A. German Red Peacock
Undu Reef Peacocks
Lemon Jake Peacock
Yellow Blaze Lithobates
A.Maylandi Peacocks
Taiwan reef Steveni
OB Peacocks
Lwanda Peacock
Red Empress
Spilonotus Insignia Tanzania
Yellow Labs
Borleyi Kandango Red Fin
Electric Blue
Nimbochromis Venustus
Red Oscars
Red Tiger Oscar
Albino Oscar
A. S. Albino Red Ruby Peacock
Copadichromis azereus
Eureka Red Peacock
Red Zebras
Flavescent Peacocks

And some Catfish too.

Pardon my spelling.

WHAT ABOUT YOU????????????????


Chalinochromis brichardi Wild

Cyprichromis Microlepidotus (Kigoma) F1

Tropheus moorii (Nkamba Bay) Illangi F1

Ctenochromis horei Wild

Neolamprologus nigriventris F1

Limnotilapia dardenni Wild

Neolamprologus Brichardi (red dot) F1

Tropheus sp. "Red" (Moliro)

Neolamprologus buescheri (Mozi) F1

Eretmodus cyanostictus F1

Petrochromis famula (Texas Gold) F1

'Lamprologus' ocellatus (Gold) F1

Tanganicodus irsacae Wild

Paracyprichromis brieni Wild/F1

Altolamprologus calvus (Chaitika) F1/Wild

Tropheus sp. "Red" (Lupota) Wild

Cyathopharynx furcifer (Magara) F2/F1

Haplochromis obliquedens

Julidochromis marlieri Katoto 'Scribble'

Petrochromis Sp. Red (Bulu Point) Wild/F1

Neolamprologus leleupi

Asprotilapia leptura F1

Paracyprichromis nigripinnis F1/Wild

Reganochromis calliurus F1

Simochromis Diagramma (Lunangwa) F1/TR

Tropheus duboisi (Maswa)

Symphysodon aequifasciatus (Cobalt Discus)


Ancistrus Albino

Phyllonemus typus Wild

Ancistrus Long Fin Calico

Danio aequipinnatus

Sicydium gynogaster Wild

Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi

Tanichthys albonubes

Luckily I keep a list !! I love copy and paste !


Luckily I keep a list !! I love copy and paste ![/b]

thats a nice list :D

many years ago I actually had a program that would keep track of what I had, how many, which tank they were in, how old they were/when I got them. it was great. :D

currently I have none :(

but I hope to get some shellies, and some julies and some cyps soon.. we will see though....


Master Jedi & Past VP
I use to have list a while ago, but my fish room grew from 3 tanks to 23 tanks.

So it can be time consuming, ya know!


Big ones

Small ones

Blue ones

Brown ones

Fat ones

Skinny ones

Even some with whiskers on~

DC :happy0012:


Master Jedi & Past VP
Never mind the list, Richard, you need some racks! :rolleyes:

<div class='quotemain'>I use to have list a while ago, but my fish room grew from 3 tanks to 23 tanks.

So it can be time consuming, ya know![/b]

You got that right Sonny! :lol:

Hey Donna, I didn't see any medium ones???????????? :p


Cyathopharynx furcifer (Kipili) WILD
Neolamprologus pulcher F1 (and now F2)
Paracyprichromis nigripinnis
Julidochromis dickfeldi
Altolamprologus compressiceps (Gold Head) WILD
Tropheus sp. "Red" (Ndole)

Buccochromis nototaenia
Otopharynx lithobates
Cynotilapia afra (Puulu) F1
Aulonocara jacobfreibergi (Undu Reef)
Aulonocara sp. "Lwanda" F1
Aulonocara stuartgranti (Chilumba) F1
Aulonocara stuartgranti (Mdoka)

Pelvicachromis taeniatus (Kienke) F1
Pelvicachromis taeniatus "Nigeria Green" F1

Crenicichla sp. "Xingu I" WILD

Herichthys carpintis
Hypsophrys nicaraguensis
Nandopsis haitiensis
Parachromis friedrichsthalii
Parachromis managuensis
Parachromis managuensis "Honduras"
Thorichthys maculipinnis
Vieja bifasciatus

Plus a couple of plecos and some killies.


CCA member
I will have a list soooooon. What happens is that I get so intersted in the fish I forget about the internet. Forum list later. Meanwhile, I may have to look up more than one of those beauties on your lists.


Well, I apparently got a little exuberent in my tank scrubbing & scrubbed the names right off the glass! :sign0002:

so - now, I'm playing "Name that Feesh" and getting it all sorted out again.
Thank goodness you can still make out most of the letters on the glass, and Ron knows the rest
so all is well.

Oh yeah, and THIS time, I'm not writing the names on the glass. I'm writing them on paper & taping THAT to
the glass. Hope it works. At least I know I won't scrub off the writing!
Guess it wouldn't hurt to put them on an actual LIST either though, eh?


Pat Kelly

CCA Member

<span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS">Labidochromis Caeruleus (breeding)

Haplochromis sp Ruby Green (Fry)

Pseudotropheus Polit (Fry)

Pseudotropheus Saulosi

Pseudotropheus Msobo Deep Wild caught trio… (all that's left.)

Pseudotropheus Demasoni (breeding)

Neolamprologus tetracanthus (breeding)</span>

Neolamprologus Brichardi (breeding)

Altolamprologus Compressiceps sp Red fin (breeding)


Astatotilapia calliptera - 2m/2f
Yellow Lab's - colony of 12, very clean strain
J. transcriptus (?) "Gombe" - single specimen
L. multifasciatus - colony of several dozen
L. buescheri - breeding pair, 7 fry, 2 unattached adult males
L. brevis - pair, housed w/pair of plagiostoma eels, so no fry yet
Cryptoheros sp. 'honduran red point' - 3m/3f, spawned but ate the eggs both times
S. lucipinnis - 5/7 in 2 different tanks

Sonny Disposition

Active Member
That's a tough act to follow. I just have yellow Labidochromis caeruleus, Pseudotropheus zebra, species long pelvic, and Aulonocara stuartgranti, Ngara flametail.

<span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS">Labidochromis Caeruleus (breeding)

Haplochromis sp Ruby Green (Fry)

Pseudotropheus Polit (Fry)

Pseudotropheus Saulosi

Pseudotropheus Msobo Deep Wild caught trio… (all that's left.)

Pseudotropheus Demasoni (breeding)

Neolamprologus tetracanthus (breeding)</span>

Neolamprologus Brichardi (breeding)

Altolamprologus Compressiceps sp Red fin (breeding)


....Oh yeah, and THIS time, I'm not writing the names on the glass. I'm writing them on paper & taping THAT to
the glass. Hope it works. At least I know I won't scrub off the writing!
Guess it wouldn't hurt to put them on an actual LIST either though, eh?

I used to use masking tape. sure it's sticky, but its one peice instead of paper and tape. :D