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What Kind Of Cichlids Do You Have At Home?

Sonny Disposition

Active Member
Richard, I don't think you have enough fish. Maybe you should get some more.

I have always wanted to find out what kind of Cichlids everyone at CCA have at home.

As for me, I have the following:
A. Stuartgranti Maleri Peacock F1
A. Stuartgranti BiColor Peacock F1
A. S Blue Regal Peacocks F1
A. S. Chilumba Peacocks
A. Stuartgranti Ngara FlameTail Peacocks
A. Stuartgranti Red Shoulder Peacocks
A. S. Red Ruby Peacocks
A. German Red Peacock
Undu Reef Peacocks
Lemon Jake Peacock
Yellow Blaze Lithobates
A.Maylandi Peacocks
Taiwan reef Steveni
OB Peacocks
Lwanda Peacock
Red Empress
Spilonotus Insignia Tanzania
Yellow Labs
Borleyi Kandango Red Fin
Electric Blue
Nimbochromis Venustus
Red Oscars
Red Tiger Oscar
Albino Oscar
A. S. Albino Red Ruby Peacock
Copadichromis azereus
Eureka Red Peacock
Red Zebras
Flavescent Peacocks

And some Catfish too.

Pardon my spelling.

WHAT ABOUT YOU????????????????

Sonny Disposition

Active Member
Sarah, I think you need more fish, too.

Chalinochromis brichardi Wild

Cyprichromis Microlepidotus (Kigoma) F1

Tropheus moorii (Nkamba Bay) Illangi F1

Ctenochromis horei Wild

Neolamprologus nigriventris F1

Limnotilapia dardenni Wild

Neolamprologus Brichardi (red dot) F1

Tropheus sp. "Red" (Moliro)

Neolamprologus buescheri (Mozi) F1

Eretmodus cyanostictus F1

Petrochromis famula (Texas Gold) F1

'Lamprologus' ocellatus (Gold) F1

Tanganicodus irsacae Wild

Paracyprichromis brieni Wild/F1

Altolamprologus calvus (Chaitika) F1/Wild

Tropheus sp. "Red" (Lupota) Wild

Cyathopharynx furcifer (Magara) F2/F1

Haplochromis obliquedens

Julidochromis marlieri Katoto 'Scribble'

Petrochromis Sp. Red (Bulu Point) Wild/F1

Neolamprologus leleupi

Asprotilapia leptura F1

Paracyprichromis nigripinnis F1/Wild

Reganochromis calliurus F1

Simochromis Diagramma (Lunangwa) F1/TR

Tropheus duboisi (Maswa)

Symphysodon aequifasciatus (Cobalt Discus)


Ancistrus Albino

Phyllonemus typus Wild

Ancistrus Long Fin Calico

Danio aequipinnatus

Sicydium gynogaster Wild

Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi

Tanichthys albonubes

Luckily I keep a list !! I love copy and paste !


I need more tanks before I can get more fish!

I'm keeping mostly Victorians...

Neochromis Omnicaerulues
Mbipia cf. Lutea
Paralabidochromis sp. "Fire"
Paralabidochromis chromogynos
Xystichromis sp. "Kyoga Flameback"
Xystichromis phytophagus
Haplochromis sp. "Kenya Gold"
Astatotilapia aeneocolor
Platytaeniodus sp. "red tail sheller"
Ptyochromis salmon
and the most rare...Yssichromis sp. "Blue tipped"

I'm keeping a few common species of Africans as well, but the Vics are where most of my energy goes.
Man my list is little compared to some:mad:. Here goes......

vieja bifasciatus
ex cichlasoma
vieja argentea
parachromis managuense
Jack Dempsey


I'm actually running out of room... too many tropheus groups. Having to move stuff around .... which is always a bad sign !


I have 6 different types of Pundamillia Nyererei
-Anchor Island
-Igombe Island
-Python Island
-Ruti Island
-Makobe Island
-Mawanza Gulf

I'll be in Virginia in Dec of 09. Anyone that wants fry I'll give them groups for free.


JB is coming from the HCCC, and I'm trying to make sure he has everything I have before he leaves us. He will be much missed.