Hey Gardeners!


Hey guys and gals frost warning for Tuesday late through Wednesday. So if you got any annuals over the weekend get ready to protect them.

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Kinda caught in the weeds with this one... thought about going and buying hay, but I think we are just going to ball up newspaper in the garden beds and hope for the best... real shame if I have to re-plant all my leafy greens... They have almost all sprouted... :(


Board of Directors
Kinda caught in the weeds with this one... thought about going and buying hay, but I think we are just going to ball up newspaper in the garden beds and hope for the best... real shame if I have to re-plant all my leafy greens... They have almost all sprouted... :(

I feel you I have
2rows of corn they are about 3" tall
Yellow and green squash
Few types of tomatoes
And a raised bed if various herbs
Grape (mars I think)
Passiflora (def dead now)
Random tulips Lillie's etc
Just to name a few

Just have to cross my fingers
Hope everything survives

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nice thing about being a fishkeeper is all the buckets I have. was able to get 5g buckets on all my tomatoes last night. used a tarp for my other veggies. didn't cover the broccoli and cabbage, figured they would be fine. Don't think we got below 30 degrees in Annapolis last night so hopefully I am fine. finally did a "big for me" garden this year. its 12' x 30' and I am putting in an automated drip irrigation system for it later this week. picture after tilling and putting up fencing. growing cukes and string beans on the interior fence. and building a trellis for the tomatoes.



So whats the damage report?

Didn't get to actually go out back today, but the front flowers were looking like crap this morning, and I could see the onion plants that I had potted til the ground was warmer were severely drooped... betting they don't make it.


Board of Directors
Well what I've learnt from gardening in the past give it at least 2-3 day before calling in loses or damages
So far not looking good ill repot in a day or two

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Board of Directors
I'm blown by this weather want my garden to be booming going already

As for the other thing I think the native Americans called them the three sisters.
Corn, squash, peas
Corn grows tall peas climb them and squash has broad leaves that cover the base of all the plants preventing weeds etc... Plus they consume different levels if nutrients (something like that)

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I'm blown by this weather want my garden to be booming going already

As for the other thing I think the native Americans called them the three sisters.
Corn, squash, peas
Corn grows tall peas climb them and squash has broad leaves that cover the base of all the plants preventing weeds etc... Plus they consume different levels if nutrients (something like that)

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yep, that sounds right to me.


Former CCA member
I did some serious weeding in my gardens last weekend. In addition, I saw a hummingbird, so put out some hummingbird feeders Sunday morning, and we've seen hummers at the feeders Sunday and Monday.


I did some serious weeding in my gardens last weekend. In addition, I saw a hummingbird, so put out some hummingbird feeders Sunday morning, and we've seen hummers at the feeders Sunday and Monday.

cool, hummingbirds are the coolest animals. they are fascinating to watch. I did a little weeding last night as well. really glad I bought that garden hoe and got it sharpened up, beats bending over for weeding. I also planted more corn, there were some gaps in my rows where seeds didn't germinate so needed to fill them in. plus now I have two plantings of corn about 3 weeks apart so that should give me a nice range for picking.

that freeze a few weeks back killed all my cucumbers so I had to replant them. the freeze also prevented my green beans from sprouting so had to re-seed a week ago again.

cant wait for some fresh veggies!


Board of Directors
Same here replanted corn but got tons more weeding to go. Pumpkin ok herbs ok but watermelon disappeared.
Neighbor has humming birds they are cool they sound like helicopters when they wiz by.
Got so much to do this weekend it's a love hate relationship with the yard

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lt dan

Just pulled a ton of ivy now I have to figure out how I want to landscape it, it's on a slope, also want to hollow out the tree stumps and make them plantersuploadfromtaptalk1399477192784.jpguploadfromtaptalk1399477223472.jpg
