Flowerhorn identification

No he's alone in the tank.Should I add a bp with him,are you sure?I have one bp.will the figbt?

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Well you can put a few fish in the tank with him depending on his size and I would make it all females so that he can pair up with a female but make sure you change the setting of the decoration around in the tank.

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Unfortunately my fh died after a water change.I immediately got a new one.here's the pic

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I want to make him more active I.e he should respond to me when I go near the tank.Please tell me how can I make him more comfortable?he hides behind the filter when I go near the tank.please tell me I'm worried!

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Board of Directors
I want to make him more active I.e he should respond to me when I go near the tank.Please tell me how can I make him more comfortable?he hides behind the filter when I go near the tank.please tell me I'm worried!

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Training to come out when your around
1.) requires you to be around the tank more
2.) associate you with food or something he/she likes
3.) possibly add dithers to help

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Thanks for your suggestions.But whenever I go near the tank,he hides behind the filter,what to do in this case?

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Board of Directors
What are you feeding? Try to find a "treat" worms, krill...things like that
and only drop them one at a time while your there.
Fish just need you around to get used to you also so they get used to the movement around their tank.

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And on internet,I have read that a flowerhorn should have red color in it.But my flowerhorn is green in color.is it normal?or maybe he's of other type that's why he's like that?

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