wtb haps and peacocks


Looking for the last 2-3 types of haps and peacocks for my 125g and 75g tanks. I have a good bunch of young fish now. I mostly have 1 fish of each type. Looking for a few more. Working on saving the cash for a 180 or 240. prob a Christmas thing at best. I will be selling the 125g or the 75g at that time. Here is what I got so far in the 125g, 75g and a 55g grow out tank. Some get pretty large so the 75g will get used eventually for some of the smaller peacocks if the pred haps get hungry. I am sure that some of the fish may not go well together and such but I am giving it a try and will move fish around to tanks. Thanks for any help.

Nimbochromis venustus
Nimbochromis fuscotaeniatus
Otopharynx lithobates (Zimbawe Rock)
Cyrtocara moorii
Protomelas sp. "Steveni Taiwan"
Protomelas taeniolatus (Namalenje Is.)
Tramitichromis sp. "Intermedius"
Aulonocara baenschi
Aulonocara jacobfreibergi "Eureka"
Aulonocara stuartgranti
Aulonocara maylandi
Aulonocara "German Red"
Aulonocara kandeensis
Aulonocara koningsi
A. Dragon blood
Nyassachromis Boadzulu Kanchedza
Flame tail Ngara
Swallow tail peacock
ob peacock
1-2 other asst peacocks.

My fish tank is pretty full already so I will move and sort the fish as they grow. Almost all are less then 2-3 inches or being grown out from fry.

some I am interested in but please let me know if there is a fish you have that is not listed. Thanks.

Bi-color 500
A. Lwanda
A Walteri
Deep water hap
P. Tangerine Tiger Likoma Is.
Astatotilapia calliptera ( I saw these at aquamania)
Aulonocara ethelwynnae

Wow man you almost have the exact same fish I do I myself am interested in the callipetera and euchilus ,phenochilus but the rest of your line up is almost identical. Happy fishing for sure most of mine are fullsize adults

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My Ngara and my sulphur head and Nyassa are pretty much adults but they do not bother the juvies. So far so good. I have only lost 2 fish. One due to decor/digging and one due to a mean ahli that I had to rehome until they are bigger and an ahli can be added thats less dom. I have heard mixed things about the Elec Ahlis.



Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Really nice collection of fish you have there. :)

But wow dude... three Nimbochromis in the same tank. That will certainly be interesting.