WTB Cyathopharynx Sibwesa or Halembe


hi all,

im looking to get either of these hard to find variants of Cyathopharynx Foai / Furcifer

I am really just looking for specifically the Sibwesa or Halembe, or maybe Nyanza Lac variant, no moliro/mbita/kigomas

I am trying to put together a full breeding group so ideally 2 males, 4 females, all tank raised, any size.

is anyone here has any for sale, or has a good lead on any please let me know, thanks :)


Mike doesn't have the sibwesa anymore. I asked when I wanted to add to my group of sibwesa juvies. I have moliro for sale. Too bad you don't want them. :) I don't think anyone else in the club has cyathopharynx. You might want to try East Coast Cichlids as they have members who are doing featherfins also. Good luck in your search.


thanks all :)
ill try the East Coast Cichlids guys too, and i may have just gotten a lead on 2M/2F wild caught sibwesa :D


thanks everyone!
i found 12 tank raised sibwesa 2-3" from a craigs list ad posted by a local fish shop in houston, TX :)

all are settling in well, so im set and happy. thanks again :)