When it Rains it POURS


Or, more accurately - when you leave the tap on for the d a m n cat it pours through the floor, ceiling, light fixtures, more floor to the basement...

The drain was clogged deep in the pipe, had no idea.




The towel in that last pic is covering the tank I have my blues in... poor things didn't like being moved.


Yeah! Like the cat... lol Adjuster came out today - everything is covered. The floors are pretty damaged, they are going to replace the some of the boards that are really cupped and then sand, stain and refinish the entire 1st floor.

They are even going to pay us for the clean up we did... that was a surprise. She said they would have paid a company to come out and do it - since we did the work, we get to be paid for it.

Could have been worse - the water could have trashed the computers. They actually did get pretty wet, but both survived it seems! I lost my keyboard and mouse but that's no real biggie I guess.


Not normally... usually if I turn it on for him at night I give him a couple of minutes to drink then turn it off. I think he actually tried to tell my oldest daughter the sink was overflowing. She told me that he kept her up that night going in and out of her room (he sleeps with her) to the bathroom and meowing.