Whats the sweetest thing


Whats the sweetest thing you have done to,with,or for your High school girlfriend.
I made her cookies lastnight and made a giant heart chaco chip cookie and carved out R+C. Reiko is her nickname. Her real name is Pratikshya. She is from nepal and we are very seriouse about us. This comming October is our 1 year aneversery.(10/12/11)


CCA Members
A really romantic way to celebrate would be to take her to the catfish convention. October 18-21st.


Memores of Langtang Valley

Whats the sweetest thing you have done to,with,or for your High school girlfriend.
I made her cookies lastnight and made a giant heart chaco chip cookie and carved out R+C. Reiko is her nickname. Her real name is Pratikshya. She is from nepal and we are very seriouse about us. This comming October is our 1 year aneversery.(10/12/11)

Never happened for me as I was raised by monks and didn't become mutually enthralled until much later in life. See how fortunate you are? But her given name is Nepalese for "expectation" and her nickname means "lovely/beautiful" in Japanese if that's of interest.



Never happened for me as I was raised by monks and didn't become mutually enthralled until much later in life. See how fortunate you are? But her given name is Nepalese for "expectation" and her nickname means "lovely/beautiful" in Japanese if that's of interest.
I never would of known that avatar. Thanks


CCA Members
The Sweetest Thing - Catfish Convention

It really doesn't get much sweeter than this:

L600 - Pseudacanthicus leopardus



Now we are doing this contest to see who will cave first. The contest is who can go the longest without the physical stuff.