Sound Barrier


Caught this at this years Joint Services Open House. After 20 years, I finally went on base to watch it :)



Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Sick, sick, sick... sick, sick shot Mike. :eek:

The F-22 is a truly remarkable piece of machinery. Can get up to over mach 2 and can just as easily cruise by at a snail's pace. Plus the thing can seemingly stop and turn in mid air with the vectored-thrust thingy. Pictures/movies of it just don't do it justice to its maneuverability. The plane is straight up nuts.

I love the joint airshow... totally worth checking it out if anyone reading hasn't been there before. I was out of town for it this year, but O'Shea and Maria went to check it out.

Here's my favorite pic from 2008; the "heritage" flight with a P-51, F-4 Phantom, F-18 and the F-22. I'm sure to fly in formation, the P-51 had to be full throttle while the F-4 was fighting not to stall, lol.


If you decide to go next year, hit me up. We generally go if we're in town.

It is good to see you back on the board. I was hoping that WoW hadn't completely consumed you....yet. :p


Ha I got one very similar this year, there were only 3 aircraft in this years Heritage Flight. I went to the show on Friday. The crowds on the weekend would drive me insane.


Not much time for WoW, not on the computer very often lately.


Mike, absolutely great shot!

I had to think for a moment what WoW meant. As a former listener of The Opie and Anthony Show "WoW' meant something else.:blush:


Any chance a P-38 was at least on the ground?

Some day I will get a pic of it. Hopefully before my Dad dies !

Nice shot Mike :)
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Nope, have not seen one at any of the shows. I was actually looking for one for you (see, I can remember some things that people tell me) :)


WOW, I love that shot.
Toronto has a big airshow every year and I'm going there EVERY year. Just love the planes, especially the older ones.