Piranha ID


It might be impossible to tell at this early age, but anyone want to take a shot at ID'ing a Piranha at about 2".
This is a "P" that came in as a stowaway when Michael Barber last went to Central America. I am going to re-home him this week. I am hoping that the little bit of Gold/Yellow in his body might help with identification.





Where did it come from? I think you had a typo above as there are no serrasalminae in Central America. I have several scientific identification papers on this subfamily, but am doubtful we will have much luck at that size unless the collection locale limits us to a very small group of possible IDs.


Where did it come from? I think you had a typo above as there are no serrasalminae in Central America. I have several scientific identification papers on this subfamily, but am doubtful we will have much luck at that size unless the collection locale limits us to a very small group of possible IDs.

I am waiting for either Michael Barber or George Richter to chime in...they were there when this fish was caught.
I believe in my original post I was incorrect and it was South America that they were in, as Michael told me this fish ended up in a Tetra bag.
Rio Nanay might be the locale.


I am waiting for either Michael Barber or George Richter to chime in...they were there when this fish was caught.
I believe in my original post I was incorrect and it was South America that they were in, as Michael told me this fish ended up in a Tetra bag.
Rio Nanay might be the locale.

Rio Nanay is the local, Loreto Province in Peru. Collected about a dozen miles upstream from the Iquitos Port.


Rio Nanay is the local, Loreto Province in Peru. Collected about a dozen miles upstream from the Iquitos Port.

Thanks Michael.
So, on my hands, literally, I may one day have a 14" bulldog with razor-sharp teeth.
Looking forward to it.:p


If I do not reply in the next fortnight, pls send me a PM. Work has sent me up to Philly for two weeks, so I don't have access to my library.