

Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Came home on Sunday night from a road trip and found 14 fish dead in my 150. All around 3" - 5" haps and peacocks... most I had been growing out from an inch or two.

N. livingstoni
C. caeuleus
D. compressiceps
T. nigreventor
P. Electra Deep
L. Albus
L. Red Cap
Bi-color peacock
Maylandi peacock
C. rhodesi
N. broadzulu

Some species had more than one death, some were unrecognizable and probably forgetting a couple...

Did a 75% water change, added different seasoned filter media and carbon.

I have had some sort of parasite in the tank for the last few weeks. White external parasite on the outside of the fish. Treated the whole tank with Clout and it works for some fish, but not for others. Something is definitely wrong.

Good times. :rolleyes:


Member of the Darkside Tang's Rule!
Dang Bro!!! That really bites. Sorry to hear about the loss. I've been saying for years that I'm going to research this stuff but still haven't. I'll probably wait until something goes wrong... Re-active rather than Pro-active. Hope you get everything straightened out.


Alligator Snapping Turtle/Past Pres
Thanks guys. Yeah, I was really bummed at first... especially because I've had those guys a while. Started with a group of 6-8 on some of them, grow them up, lose a couple over the months and finally have fish starting to color up.

But yeah... fish die. Learn from it and move on.

Symptom-wise, they're still eating, just some of them have short white growths... not fuzzy, not tiny spots.. more like frayed scales just a bit longer. Only lost one fish since Monday (another Tyrano), so going to give them another day with carbon and whack them again with another treatment of Clout.

I'll try to get some pictures tonight.


Master Jedi & Past VP
Sorry to hear about your losses Tony. Man I hope you find out what it is because that could be devastating to the whole tank. Money down the drain ya know what I mean.

Just move on, you'll be okay. Have a couple IPA's and call me in the morning.;)



Tony -

You may want to take a pic or two and post on the big forum in the illness section. Better to diagnose the illness before you treat. Clout is pretty dicey stuff and should only be used if it's the only remedy that will work. Good luck.
So sorry Tony. That does suck.

I, too, share concerns about Clout. I'm pretty sure it wiped out my old peacock/hap tank after killing the bacterial colony and putting the tank in a nitrite spike . . .


Tony -

You may want to take a pic or two and post on the big forum in the illness section. Better to diagnose the illness before you treat. Clout is pretty dicey stuff and should only be used if it's the only remedy that will work. Good luck.

Clout is last resort kind of stuff like Charlie mentioned.

I'm very sorry for your losses....


Sorry to hear Tony.

I had a similar experience, not quite i guess. I went out of town last spring and treated my 90 gallon for parasite and lost about 8 fish (only 2 adults, others were growing). It was a "clout" type of treatment, blue water, etc. I have been trying to stay away from that stuff and whole tank treatments ever since.


DavidG / CCA Member
hey Tony , Sorry about your fish they were really nice fish, Your welcome to anything im breeding when you get your tank squared away.