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Oscars fighting each other


I have had two Oscars in the same tank for the past several months - and although I added 4 random fish a couple of months ago - all was well and peaceful until this past weekend - I though they were in some sort of a mating ritual but now it looks like they are trying to kill each other - actually one seems to be trying to kill the other - thought we might have had a male and a female - now I am not so sure. Looks like I need to separate them but thought I would check to see if others have some thoughts on why this might be happening??


is it fighting or just shimmying and some brutal liplocking? my oscars get pretty physical when the mood hits. one minute its love and the next someones cleared off a rock and wants to liplock. for you i hope its the later.


Hey DQ - thanks for the response - it seems like it is mostly the latter but boy do they get into it in circling and circling and then nothing and then all of a sudden it is lip lock heaven with both of them thrashing about - they look like warriors that have been through the battle with scales gone etc and bloody mouths -

I think they just need a bigger tank and maybe they will spawn -


CCA Members
If possible when you move them to the larger tank, it would be a good idea to move the female to the tank first and let her get established a little. You are more likely to have success with the stronger fish moving into the weaker fish' terrritory, than the reverse.